IOTW Report – Page 7007

Fred Thompson dies at 73

Sunday, 1 November 2015, 19:04 MJA 28

“It is with a heavy heart and a deep sense of grief that we share the passing our brother, husband, father, and grandfather who died peacefully in Nashville surrounded by [Read More]

Time To Fight Them in the Cities

Sunday, 1 November 2015, 19:00 Dr. Tar 4

Republicans have taken Congress, a majority of governorships and state houses, and the Democrats are fielding a pathetic batch of losers for consideration for President. (There will be no coattails [Read More]

Facebook and Sky Germany pay Jizya

Sunday, 1 November 2015, 18:00 MJA 12

National Security:There is a new initiative in Germany that donates one euro for every “racist” (Islam is not a race) anti-migrant comment on the Internet. The “Hate Helps” propaganda campaign is [Read More]

Obama’s Lies Can’t Be Denied

Sunday, 1 November 2015, 15:00 Dr. Tar 11

The Obama Administration declared that it won’t release e-mails exchanges between the President and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton until after he has left office.   The White House [Read More]

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