He tried. How did we find out about this? Daniels wrote a letter on his own behalf to the Denver Post. Hey “Slim,” when you strangle him to death you’ll [Read More]
“Send them all to be cleared. If we’re going to release one, we’re going to release them all because I want folks to see that this is a serious investigation [Read More]
Please list your green Halloween costume suggestions in our comments. Thanks! WashingtonExaminer: The Obama administration on Friday proposed five different green energy costumes that people can use for Halloween, including a [Read More]
FreedomOutpost: Joe Biden’s decision to stay out of the 2016 presidential race was reportedly made after a conversation with a high ranking adviser who told him the Clinton war machine [Read More]
Hannity: Sean is calling it “the scariest story you’re ever going to hear”, but the mainstream media doesn’t seem to be too concerned. According to a story at the Wall [Read More]
Palestinians shot boarding kids’ bus
A Breitbart meetup in Arizona ended with a restaurant cutting off the microphone before a police helicopter strangely descended upon the gathering ordering attendees to disperse. In an effort to provide [Read More]
BigGovernment– A senior finance staffer for former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush’s campaign, who also runs a firm that has received payments from the pro-Bush Super PAC Right to Rise USA, [Read More]
BigGovernment: Former Massachusetts Governor and failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney admits that Romneycare, passed while he was governor, was the precursor to Obamacare. Romney spoke while discussing the death of [Read More]
Back in the day when communists weren’t mainstream politicians, news reporters, teachers, etc., they made films like this because they were as scarce as hen’s teeth, skulking in the shadows. [Read More]
Ireland has some of the strictest gun control laws in the world – How about, Irish people react to watching Donald Trump?
There was a time when the government made sure that there was enough beaver to go around. They even parachuted beaver into areas that were beaver deserts. Of all the [Read More]
Bob Wood (I never heard of him) walks into a guitar shop at 80 years of age and plays Besame Mucho. The store manager records it. It goes viral. ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.