International Man of Infamy
Just who was Tyler Drumheller? Alfred Hitchcock’s love child? A man who went around demanding smaller people “get in my belly” and meant it? A former CIA officer who had [Read More]
Just who was Tyler Drumheller? Alfred Hitchcock’s love child? A man who went around demanding smaller people “get in my belly” and meant it? A former CIA officer who had [Read More]
video ht/ Irish
Which finger does science say is the least important? Answer HERE
Actually, maybe they shouldn’t have booked this one. video ht/ JC Lady
spot the errors here Washington AFP article: Trump, a billionaire real estate developer who has never held elected office, has promised, if he wins the White House, to expel immigrants [Read More]
Set aside that the headline was misleading (the article went on to say that the “cover up” was benign, amounting to McCore saying to cooperate with the commission passively, giving [Read More]
NYPost: Hillary is furious — and while Clinton advisers think that may save her, it’s making the lives of those who work for her hell.
Intellectual Takeout: Yesterday I ran across a Washington Post piece entitled, “I love my boyfriend, but I never want to get married.” In it, author Rachel Bussel describes how she [Read More]
C’mon, it’s only 200,000 parasitical, eastern-cultured, Arab speaking, unemployable, Muhammad-lovin’ cretins. What harm can it do? Well, it’s not 200,000 parasites. It’s more like a 1.5 million. How? Because per the [Read More]
AynRand Here’s Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders complaining about economic inequality in America: There is something profoundly wrong when in recent years we have seen a proliferation of millionaires and [Read More]
A black man had an incident at Popeye’s chicken. A thug came in and put a gun up against his side during a robbery. The Daily Beast, uncharacteristically, has questioned the [Read More]
“The intensity of the color and the length of time the leaves stay on the trees depend on the weather,” she says. And she admits the leaves won’t be quite [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.