Hijab Hijinks
MadWorldNews: A shop attendant in France became suspicious as a Muslim woman walked around his store. It wasn’t long until he discovered what she was really doing, when he decided [Read More]
MadWorldNews: A shop attendant in France became suspicious as a Muslim woman walked around his store. It wasn’t long until he discovered what she was really doing, when he decided [Read More]
WaExamniner; NBC News’ Andrea Mitchell tried and failed Monday to coax Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., into saying something disparaging about his 2016 Democratic presidential competitor, Hillary Clinton.
Clinton told Middle East envoy to send classified details from Italy's Foreign Minister to "my personal email." pic.twitter.com/4sPs7DsWjX — Rory Cooper (@rorycooper) September 1, 2015 Rory Cooper @rorycooper 1h1 hour [Read More]
Sharyl Attkisson- The newly-released batch of Hillary Clinton emails provides further proof that Freedom of Information (FOI) law has been blatantly violated. The documents include material directly responsive to a FOI request [Read More]
SCIENTISTS SAY IT PRE-DATES MOHAMMED. [Breitbart] Fragments of an early Koran found in a Birmingham library may rewrite Islamic history after carbon dating revealed they could be older than Mohammed.
“I think as voters and citizens, the test we should apply — Scripture tells us you shall know them by their fruits,” he said. “We need to ask not what [Read More]
AP– …In 2012, the Travis County District Attorney’s Office charged Miles with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after he got into a fight at a homeless shelter over a [Read More]
WaTimes: Calls shooting ‘an affront to civilized society’ […] “They put their lives on the line for our safety. Targeting police officers is completely unacceptable — an affront to civilized [Read More]
Alaskans concerned Obama visit a ploy to highlight green legacy. Alaska Gov. Bill Walker said he wants to talk to the president about the state’s “economic climate change,” a reference [Read More]
While Hank Johnson waits for Guam to tip over he had this to say about a neurosurgeon – Headline Politics- Johnson, appearing on The Michael Smerconish Show, was discussing race relations under [Read More]
OddityCentral- In a controversial move, tech companies in China are now hiring young and pretty ‘programming cheerleaders’ to help motivate their male staff. The idea, apparently, is to create a [Read More]
WET News is a satirical look at today’s headlines. We also strive to point out the ridiculousness of ‘Blacks Only’ organizations. What if the races were reversed on a [Read More]
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