Let’s not offend the Chinese Dictator
Patriot Retort: Imagine Obama were meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House and outside, hundreds of anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian activists were protesting. Would Obama have the White House staff mount [Read More]
35 of Yogi Berra’s most memorable quotes
Many of the quotes attributed to Yogi Berra aren’t Berra at all. Many in this article. And there was a time that Berra got a little annoyed at some of [Read More]
Miss America Cage Match 4
The 1920s beat the 1950s Next up-the 2000s versus 1930. Click Read More to vote.
Elderly prostitutes reveal dark side of SoKo
“Hey, do you want to go with me? I can treat you really well,” a 76-year-old woman with a limp says as a reporter approaches her on a recent sunny [Read More]
“Too many Muslims want to mix mosque and state.”
To This Secular Muslim, Ben Carson Had a Point. Asra Q. Noman– DailyBeast. Take it from someone who’s been fighting it her whole adult life: The sad truth is that [Read More]
It’s Official: Ground Zero Mosque DEFEATED!
CONGRATULATIONS Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer. THANK YOU! The infamous “Ground Zero mosque” debate is officially over. A “market maker” 70-story skyscraper will soon break ground at lower Manhattan’s 45 [Read More]
The Pope and the Prop
The AP confirmed today what Gateway Pundit observed on Wednesday. Sophie Cruz, the daughter of illegal immigrants, who made it past security to hand the Pope a message was part of a [Read More]
Obama’s 80 by 50 Plan Will Fundamentally Transform America Into the Crapper
Tammy Bruce- That’s the essence of the climate-change agenda of America’s most prominent Democrats. They have pledged to cut carbon-dioxide emissions by 80% by 2050, (aka 80 by 50). Their [Read More]
Find This Girl
This girl is either very, very stupid, or she knows better and thought this stunt would be cute. This jerk tosses a land tortoise, specifically a gopher tortoise (an endangered [Read More]
New Hillary Clinton email chain discovered
Washington (CNN)- An email chain between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and then-commander of U.S. Central Command David Petraeus from January and February 2009 is raising questions about whether [Read More]
Deejay – Joe Dan Gorman of Intellectual Froglegs
Intellectual Froglegs Click Read More for Joe Dan’s playlist.
Gosnell Movie Begins Filming
The cast was announced yesterday and primary filming began in Oklahoma City this week on the Kermit Gosnell movie. With a script written by Andrew Klaven and Nick Searcy (Justified) directing, [Read More]
Ted Cruz at the Values Voter Summit
The Family Research Council held its 10th annual Values Voter Summit at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C. Ted Cruz on everything- [ And he’s got jokes 🙂 ] Click [Read More]
White Teacher Threatened With Rape By Black Student Is Brought Up On Charges
Yep. The teacher who was threatened (the thug also threatened to rape her daughter) is the one in trouble. She had the temerity to report the threat to the police. [Read More]