GOP Power Rankings or ‘When the Polls Don’t Go Your Way, Make Sh… tuff Up’
VA Right: Have you seen the news media touting the GOP Power Rankings? What the hell is that, I thought? Well, it seems that when the polls don’t go your [Read More]
VA Right: Have you seen the news media touting the GOP Power Rankings? What the hell is that, I thought? Well, it seems that when the polls don’t go your [Read More]
Vdare: Can this really be true? Could Jeb Bush be renouncing multiculturalism? Yes, but only by redefining the term. From the AP:
FOX– Chicago already is one of the most expensive cities in the world — No. 7, according to a report by financial firm UBS. But the cost of living soon [Read More]
The big brain can’t take a selfie without looking. Story ht/ refuse/resist
It turns out that every person on earth has a unique biological signature contained in the specific combinations of bacteria that inhabits his or her body. The micro biota that [Read More]
Now he’s grinning ear to ear. See HERE HT/ Billy Fuster
New Zealand has been in the process of deciding on a new national flag. They’ve held a couple of nationwide referendums to select the top 40 designs and recently reduced [Read More]
JihadWatch: “I got suspended from school for three days from this stupid same district, from this girl saying I wanted to blow up the school, something I had nothing to [Read More]
.@FoxNews has been treating me very unfairly & I have therefore decided that I won't be doing any more Fox shows for the foreseeable future. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) [Read More]
Exclaiming “Get out of my vagina!,” Whoopi Goldberg summed up the most dreadful image known to mankind on The View recently. It was invoked in a feeble attempt to defend Planned [Read More]
This… this may be the story to end all stories. If your prepubescent son dies before he has a chance to carry on the family lineage, the Chinese are working [Read More]
Shoebat: Last month reported leaked documents on how Obama’s $500 million plan to train ‘moderate’ Muslims to combat ISIS forces in Syria was selling out the U.S. and that soon all the [Read More]
After hearing this interview, I cannot begin to understand how friggin batsh!t crazy Manson must be. Why is this lunatic out of prison? Via Progressives Today
The Progressive’s Pope ABC News Compares the Words of BERNIE SANDERS TO POPE FRANCIS Nah, there’s no bias in the media.
This’ll piss you off even MORE. Television station covering Yom Kippur uses symbol Nazis forced Jews to wear during holocaust era. ht/ mel ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.