Average NYC school janitor makes $109K a year
NYP– School custodians are cleaning up — in the hallways and in their paychecks — because the city doesn’t want to hire enough of them.
NYP– School custodians are cleaning up — in the hallways and in their paychecks — because the city doesn’t want to hire enough of them.
HT/ chabanais
DailyMail– ‘It’s fraud’: Now Richard Dawkins lays in to Texas schoolboy Ahmed Mohamed for claiming the clock was his invention… as Sarah Palin says he was asking to be arrested. [Read More]
Brian Gates @knownasbgates @jtLOL @instapundit likewise, Christians are the most backward, misogynist, racist ppl in America, and how dare you suggest Obama isn’t one.
The millstone hanging around the vice president’s neck.
The winner of the 1940s – Thumb up your favorite Miss America from 2000-2009 in the comments.
The woman APPEARS in the video. She lends the house to a dude while her and the husband go away. When they leave they trash the house with whores and [Read More]
Three in four Americans (75%) last year perceived corruption as widespread in the country’s government. This figure is up from two in three in 2007 (67%) and 2009 (66%). More [Read More]
But now it’s electric.
What’s not to love about Scott Walker’s (WI-R) labor reform proposal that was issued last week? It would do away with the NLRB and public sector unions as well as [Read More]
4th person who sends in 6 songs will be tonight’s deejay. The rest will be fit in somewhere. bigfurhat.mail@gmail.com -put DEEJAY in the subject line.
Jeb is a bit of a dunce, no? HT/ Twitchy So awesome. #FeelTheBern #RepublicansForSanders pic.twitter.com/HfhTVPS5mo — Cassandra Fairbanks (@CassandraRules) September 19, 2015
It was suppose to reform Wall street and get the real estate marking working again, The Dodd-Frank Act has had the opposite effect. Far fewer people can qualify for a [Read More]
Reader, Bad Brad, says: Trump and Cruz should stop attending the debates. They should team up with other conservatives for the “Make America Great Again” tour. Bring along Palin, Nugent, [Read More]
John Kerry: U.S. to Accept 85,000 Refugees in 2016, 100,000 in 2017 I’m being told I might not get a social security check, and the left’s answer is to usher [Read More]
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