Not In MY Back Yard. Some green energy mogul went to court complaining that a Nantucket Sound wind farm would lower the value of his 15 million dollar beachfront property [Read More]
Doug Ross brilliant article: How the GOPe plans on getting Bush nominated.
PLUS great gut check question: How likely is it that each of the GOP candidates would actually SECURE THE BORDER? Read it here at Director Blue
Miss America Contest – 1930s
Here’s the winner for the 1920s contest. Vote for the 1930s hottie by thumbing up their year.
NZ David Seymour : “The French Love the C**k”
All that for a flag
Jeb Springs Bribery Accusation on Trump, But Trump Scores on the Influence of Big Money Donors
RushLimbaugh- BEGIN TRANSCRIPT RUSH: Okay, grab sound bite number three. This a prediction that I made going into the debate last night. I said it yesterday on this program. RUSH [Read More]
When the commands of Allah in the Koran don’t count
FPM: Fantasy Islam: A game in which an audience of non-Muslims wish with all their hearts that Islam were a “Religion of Peace,” and a Muslim strives to fulfill that wish [Read More]
Act of Terrorism Committed At University of Buffalo!
Somebody hung “White Only,” as well as, “Black Only” signs on various bathrooms and water fountains. Students were OUTRAGED! One student on Twitter said it was a hate crime and [Read More]
South Park Takes On Social Justice Warriors
video ht/ jason chisel
Jerry Brown has a pen and a phone
Watchdog California: Jerry Brown isn’t used to losing in the California Legislature. And even though defections from a raft of fellow Democrats in Sacramento forced the second-term governor to abandon [Read More]
GM To Pay $900 Million, Settle U.S. Criminal Case Over Ignition Switches
OANN– NEW YORK (Reuters) – General Motors Co <GM.N> has agreed to pay $900 million and sign a deferred-prosecution agreement to end a U.S. government investigation into its handling of [Read More]
Try it with clam dip
Doritos has unveiled a bag of rainbow-colored chips in support of the LGBT community. !snip! Support how? What does this mean? Do you want a gay son? Do you want [Read More]
Remember These Jerks?
It was four years ago today that Occupy Wall Street set up their tents and began agitating in the privately owned Zuccotti Park in Lower Manhattan, and like a zombie [Read More]
Cops put pedal to the metal to stomp out foot sniffer
College library ‘foot sniffer’ arrested after chase MIAMI — Police say they’ve arrested a man days after a complaint that someone was spotted crawling under library tables and smelling a [Read More]