“Mohammed is a pig”
WindsOfJihad– Israeli police arrested a fourth person for calling Mohammed a pig. Avia Morris, the first person arrested described being taunted with cries of “Allahu Akbar” and “Kill the Jews” along with signs [Read More]
WindsOfJihad– Israeli police arrested a fourth person for calling Mohammed a pig. Avia Morris, the first person arrested described being taunted with cries of “Allahu Akbar” and “Kill the Jews” along with signs [Read More]
Residents in Detroit got tired of the useless 20 foot-long hole cut into their street four years ago and decided to put it to use by stocking it with goldfish and blue [Read More]
Since we’ve been using this photo of Crazy Uncle Joe (apparently relieving himself behind Obama) lately, we thought it might be a good time to rebrand a classic old iOTW [Read More]
TrevorLoudon– Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is running against some—but not all—billionaires. On Saturday, at a campaign appearance in South Carolina, he singled out the Koch brothers as “greedy.” But [Read More]
“Those politicians who have taken money from the Iran Lobby and are signing off on a deal that will let Iran go nuclear have engaged in the worst form of [Read More]
IndependentSentinel- The government Clean Air and Clean Water guardians followed up their toxic metal spill by delivering dirty, oily water to the Navajos.
The stock market is in turmoil this week, and it’s doubtful that the news of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac doubling down on the disastrous “affordable housing” policies that led [Read More]
Jeb is right. 20 years from now I’ll be saying, “remember when that a-hole RINO Jeb Bush offered tickets to the premier of the Stephen Colbert Show with special guests [Read More]
ChicagoSunTimes– Facing a “severe cash shortage,” Illinois is unable to pay social service agencies what they’re owed by the state — despite a recent court order compelling it to do [Read More]
Meadows says if leadership’s tactics don’t change to his liking, he—or another supportive lawmaker—could refile the motion from “non-privileged to “privileged,” forcing a vote within two legislative days. More @ [Read More]
(Reuters) – U.S. Republican presidential hopeful Jeb Bush said on Monday it was ludicrous to describe his use of the term “anchor babies” as offensive to immigrants, saying his original [Read More]
Washington (CNN)- Vice President Joe Biden received President Barack Obama’s “blessing” to make a 2016 bid for the White House,according to a senior Democrat. But that’s if Biden chooses to [Read More]
Father of French Train Terrorist Says His Son Is a “Good Boy” – Blames EU for Not Finding His Son a Job. Poor poor Ayoub El Khazzani. Just sitting there jobless, [Read More]
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