Dickish Durbin Won’t Say He Supports Kate’s Law
He says he doesn’t want to discriminate against people coming to America to realize their dream. (Even illegally.)
He says he doesn’t want to discriminate against people coming to America to realize their dream. (Even illegally.)
Guy has a lot of free time.
It’s the ol’ ANTI-DISCRIMINATION thing. How come this fruitcake is always at the front desk of every faggy business in NYC? It’s never this guy-
Do we have to go as far down the road as the countries before us to learn that mass importation of certain people is not a good idea? American Thinker – [Read More]
ThisAndThatPostBox- “We need a change in attitudes, among attitudes: lawful gun owners, those who are unfamiliar with guns. We have to have a conversation about it and fix this. And [Read More]
We fund Planned Parenthood through tax dollars, they sell baby parts to up their bottom line, then they donate to the left to help get favored candidates elected. This sounds like [Read More]
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PL- Hillary Clinton released seven years’ worth of tax returns last week, reflecting tens of millions of dollars in income and some millions of dollars more in charitable giving. Nearly [Read More]
Huntington Park in California is set to do something historic… and historically stupid. They will be installing two commissioners to advisory panels that are illegal aliens. More @ RightScoop.
It’s a woman. Honest it is.
TheHillaryDaily– In the 14 years since Bill and Hillary Clinton left the White House in January 2001, they have reported a total gross income of $221,139, 516 — a review [Read More]
Click the video What’s the new national sport? Videoing a potential viral video of police committing “brutality” on a dindunuffin. We live in a world now where cops are presumed [Read More]
AllenBWest– I continue to be amazed at those who believe it’s unnecessary to clearly define Islamo-fascism or Islamism as a driving impetus behind Islamic jihadist and terrorist activities. Recently, speaking [Read More]
If Vice President Joe Biden decides to mount a 2016 presidential bid, his chances will rest heavily on his ability to raise enormous sums of money, something that he has [Read More]
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