Taps At Sunset in Tacoma
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Your move, maniacs. ht/ Mary From Marin
Perjury should be written on the Clinton Family Crest under a picture of a middle finger. Wapo- In a statement that begins, “I, Hillary Rodham Clinton, declare under penalty of [Read More]
A former insider, Abby Johnson, who worked for the nation’s #1 abortion provider, discusses how Planned Parenthood conned women into “donating” their aborted babies and how the abortionist fudges the [Read More]
Babysitter Sells Everything Out Of Client’s House
1. While babysitting, sold the entire contents of her client’s house 2. Had her 10 year-old daughter put on a dozen thong underwear in dressing room in order to shoplift them 3. [Read More]
CFP- Now this can’t be, can it? A Clinton aide blatantly destroying evidence in a criminal investigation? That would never happen. OK, I’ll wait for you to stop laughing. This [Read More]
That’s supposedly ten guys being blown up. Religion of peace.
When Get-Away Car Is Repossessed Here’s a pro-tip for would be crooks: If your clever plan involves a quick get-away by car make sure it’s gassed up, in good working [Read More]
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!” Upton Sinclair.
“I approached her by myself and noticed her hair was filthy, you could smell her, hairy legs, armpits, wearing a muumuu and flip flops. This was a semi formal meet [Read More]
JUST IN:#Ferguson protestor blocking highway 70 body slammed by police. pic.twitter.com/hbu1bXG6Cg — Bipartisan Report (@Bipartisanism) August 10, 2015 ht/ Twitter: @JasonChisel
Why are these ignorant a-holes taking license plate numbers? Did the guy breaking their stupid blockade do something wrong? Are they going to dox the guy? WHY OH WHY do [Read More]
Gunalizer– Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, has officially signed the ordinance that bans possession of normal magazines, that hold more than ten rounds. Despite the reality, that this ordinance will [Read More]
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