SF Refuses To Hand Over Murdering Illegal To ICE
Sweetness&Light– Of course, as far as the AP is concerned, the real news is that Donald Trump is trying to exploit this tragedy to advance his political agenda. A Democrat [Read More]
Sweetness&Light– Of course, as far as the AP is concerned, the real news is that Donald Trump is trying to exploit this tragedy to advance his political agenda. A Democrat [Read More]
Concealed Carrier Shoots, Captures One Of Two Thugs In Nashville Robbery. BearingArms- One of these days, as the number of concealed carriers nationwide continues to grow, criminals are going to [Read More]
Ronald Reagan. TammyBruce- Not sure whether to file under: “You can’t make this stuff up.” Or: “POTUS is more delusional than ever.”
Sweetness&Light- The AP’s subtle point here is we are supposed to accept Obama’s failed economy as the ‘new normal.’ There’s nothing that can be done about it. And certainly none [Read More]
Feds launch ‘healthy’ school lunch locator hotline. WASHINGTON, D.C. – Now, finding a “healthy” school lunch can be as easy as calling the IRS. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has [Read More]
This was a gay themed magazine’s take on the U.S. women’s team World Cup Championship – Out Magazine: The ‘Lesbian-Led’ U.S. Women’s Team Defeats Japan in World Cup Final more [Read More]
Alan Grayson has proposed a new Declaration of Independence: We hereby declare our independence from bigotry, in all its evil forms. We declare our independence from racism, sexism, homophobia, language discrimination [Read More]
F#ck you Obama, Harry Reid and the rest of you Liberal scum. SEAL THE BORDER!
CFP- There have been plenty of stories about the ways in which ObamaCare is driving up healthcare costs. All across the country, we’ve seen double digit insurance rate hikes and [Read More]
LI- Democratic Congressman in the crosshairs. Adam Kredo of the Free Beacon obtained an e-mail threatening Democratic legislators who have doubts about the nuclear deal with Iran that the administration [Read More]
Given all the fuss over South Carolina’s state flag, The People’s Cube has come up with an alternative that works as a replacement for every state in Obama’s America.
WT- Oregon is using an experimental program to become the first state to tax drivers based on the miles they travel on state roads rather than the gas they purchase. [Read More]
AmericanThinker- It does not take many words to sum up the character (or lack thereof) of the current president. The best part is that they are his own words. If [Read More]
TheDailySheeple– With the financial crisis in Greece reaching a fevered pitch, many have wondered what might happen to the European Union if their most debt riddled member jumps ship. Will [Read More]
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