Who’s the clown?
ht/ CarolinaPunk
Perry Should Be At the Front of the Pack
Kevin Williamson makes an excellent case for former Governor Rick Perry (TX-R) to be the Presidential candidate for the Republican party. He can stake the claim to the best performance of [Read More]
Karen Cooper Wants the Freedom To Carry the Battle Flag
Her point is simple- no matter how the government defines what the flag means she has the right to carry it and defy government tyranny.
“The Prevalence of Black Poverty Has Increased Under Obama’s Leadership” – Rick Perry
Politistick- There’s nothing more controversial in this Orwellian, upside-down world of political correctness than telling pure, unadulterated truth. No wonder why George Orwell, author of the prophetic, dystopian classic 1984, once [Read More]
Southern Man Don’t Need NASCAR Around Anyhow
International Speedway Corp. and Speedway Motorsports, Inc. (who, together, own most of the Sprint Cup Series tracks) have followed the lead of NASCAR and are asking race fans not to [Read More]
iOTW Readers’ Family Archives
You never know what the readers will send in. This is pretty unusual. I’ve been scanning in a bunch of pictures from my dad’s days in the army (1952-53) as [Read More]
From Breitbart: I am very proud to be fighting for a strong and secure border. This is a very important issue, which all the other candidates would have ignored had [Read More]
When illegals randomly execute citizens
NewsMachete- By now you have all heard the horrific news that a young woman in San Francisco named Kathryn Steinle was executed, seemingly at random for no reason, by an [Read More]
“The Left Believes They Own Our Thoughts” – Young Black Conservative
I do believe this young woman has identified the left as the modern slave owner. Walk off the plantation and you are given a high-tech lynching. The left feels [Read More]
The real low-down on Pope Francis’ Encyclical on Climate Change
CanadaFreePress: Extremely curious at the media allegation that the “scientific Pantheist who advises Pope Francis” and has swayed “Laudato Si” (named so after St. Francis of Assisi’s canticle), “seems to [Read More]
Watchdog Group Wants Their Racketeering Evidence Against the Clintons Aired in Open Court
WND- A well-known Washington watchdog who has sued the Clinton Foundation and Bill and Hillary Clinton under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act for allegedly running a criminal enterprise [Read More]
Rahm Emanuel: City Jobs, Internships Will Go to Illegal Aliens
GatewayPundit- Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced this week that city jobs and internships will now go to illegal aliens. Breitbart.com reported: