IOTW Report – Page 7240

Who Will Be the Next First Lady?

Monday, 10 August 2015, 7:45 BFH 22

Jeanette Rubio, Melania Trump Kelley Paul, Heidi Cruz Candy Carson, Columba Bush Mary Pat Christie, Anita Perry Supriya Jindal, Tonette Walker Karen Kasich, Janet Huckabee Click For Pictures after the [Read More]

Words Have Meanings

Sunday, 9 August 2015, 22:00 BFH 9

I received an e-mail where someone alerted me to some shenanigans on Google translation. Google makes sure the left’s agenda is framed the way they want it framed in Google [Read More]

RIP Mallory

Sunday, 9 August 2015, 21:31 BFH 44

Eugenia- We lost our Mallory cat today to chronic renal failure.  She was born 10/01/93 and was a month and 1/2 shy of her 22nd birthday.  Mallory was a tortoise [Read More]

Will It Be Worth the Wait?

Sunday, 9 August 2015, 20:00 Dr. Tar 18

If you’ve been wanting to see Jerry Lewis’ Holocaust clown movie, well there’s good news. The Library f Congress has acquired the one final cut of the “The Day the Clown [Read More]

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