Thanks President Obongo – Leader of the 3rd World United States
Washington Woman Is First U.S. Measles Death in 12 Years
Washington Woman Is First U.S. Measles Death in 12 Years
Can we petition Mark Dice to start asking the abject dummies on the street, that know absolutely jack sh!t about civics, what their party affiliation is? This would send the [Read More]
Malia visits the set of Girls, the HBO show about a disgusting girl’s disgusting life in Brooklyn. What a role model show for a 16 year-old. This is the show [Read More]
Brian Williams reacts.
Contest 2nd runner up – Please move my car under the trees for shade. – Mary Jane Anklestraps 1st runner up – It’s not a note. It’s Mooch’s tab from the steakhouse [Read More]
TheHayride: If New Orleans officials are truly interested in getting rid of racist iconography that has been used to generate money, they do not have to look any further than [Read More]
Bad Brad got this image HERE I want to track down the rest of the story. If anyone does, please put it in the comments. Bubba’s Brother update:
A drunk gets up from the bar and heads for the bathroom. A few minutes later, a loud, blood curdling scream is heard from the bathroom. A few minutes after [Read More]
L.I.– Remember all the fanfare over Hillary Clinton releasing her emails and claiming that there wasn’t any classified information in any of them? Hillary absolutely denied ever sending classified material [Read More]
STOP using your phone while driving, For God’s sake. The Blaze – The irony is that while half of the country is crying for gun control as an end-all solution [Read More] VintageEveryDay— TFG Film & Tape has performed a digital restoration to the film shot by Thomas Edison in 1909, this is the only known footage of the great author [Read More]
Salon actually has gotten viscerally angry over a man who wants his marriage to two women to be recognized. If you want to argue that polygamy and marriage equality are [Read More]
TheTruthAboutGuns- We reported on California state senator Leland Yee’s antics many times over the years. The former senator was one of the first to propose sweeping restrictions on 3D printers, [Read More]
The left loves them some Islam, what with the cutting off of the clitoris and sewing vaginas shut, throwing gays off buildings, blaming women for being raped and treating them like [Read More]
Las Vegas Man Uses Iconic Rifle To Successfully Defend Family During Home Invasion. Metro Police said witnesses said the suspects fled the scene in a gold-colored Oldsmobile. Shortly, before 9:30 [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.