CagleCartoons.com HT/ Moe Tom
CagleCartoons.com HT/ Moe Tom
The NYTs explains why they run imagery offensive to Judeo-Christians but not images offensive to Muslims.- “[L]et’s not forget the Muslim family in Brooklyn who read us and is offended by any [Read More]
This video was sent in by Sean Padraig, a tipster who really took offense to the narrator’s vulgar voice-over. The videographer is amazed that this parade would be allowed, not [Read More]
“We’ve seen just last week what happens when supposedly the Chinese have now hacked into the personell records of upwards of 20 million government employees. The one positive out of all [Read More]
BigGovernment- AP) An unmanned SpaceX rocket carrying supplies and a first-of-its-kind docking port to the International Space Station broke apart Sunday shortly after liftoff. It was a severe blow to [Read More]
GunWatch– Chicken Express, located at 2 Warnock Springs Rd in Magnolia, Arkansas, is offering a free meal to people who present a concealed handgun license at their location on July [Read More]
NYP– MONTREAL — A Canadian man sentenced to life in prison for killing and dismembering his Chinese lover and mailing the body parts to schools and political parties has joined [Read More]
Jesse Lee Peterson says the left is simply exploiting the Roof shooting to weirdly justify the removal of all confederate flags, and not for the purposes of “healing and bringing [Read More]
AmericanThinker: Chief Justice Robert’s opinion on the “subsidies” was hard to understand. However, the Court’s decision will keep ObamaCare alive for now and that’s good news for those of us who [Read More]
SFChronicle– Protests against landlords are commonplace these days. Try to evict a tenant — especially through the Ellis Act — and you’ll probably have people shouting through bullhorns outside your [Read More]
Jurgen Hodenhoefer is all over the news today being the only Western journalist to venture into ISIS territory and come back to tell us about it. He views the foreign fighters as a bunch [Read More]
ht/ jerry manderin
WaExaminer- The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 against Environmental Protection Agency pollution rules for power plants Monday, in a blow to President Obama’s environmental agenda. The majority decision, written by Justice [Read More]
Usually she was nekkid, though. BREE NEWSOME WAS A STRIPPER.… Jason Chisel – NewChisel.com
Jazz Shaw over on Hot Air finds the NBC News feature on a 10-year-old boy being put on the “journey” to gender reassignment by his parents an actual crime. Jazz [Read More]
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