Looky Here
I guess Obama has evolved from the confederate flag since he exploited it to win election. story
I guess Obama has evolved from the confederate flag since he exploited it to win election. story
BigGovernment: Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) cast the deciding vote for Obamatrade on Tuesday as it squeeked through the U.S. Senate 60-37, and his Senate office is still outright refusing to answer [Read More]
Local 8- Cooter from the hit TV show “The Dukes of Hazzard”, weighed in on the Confederate flag discussion, saying he will not change a thing with his business and [Read More]
I’m sorry, is this not cool of me to be posting black on black violence? Are we not done yet wringing every last drop of white guilt out of the [Read More]
story A cop actually thought that this was some sort of driving mishap and the driver left their truck there?
A convicted felon ran for alderman just outside of Chicago, and he won. But he omitted a small little fact from his bio – he did hard time for selling [Read More]
Canada police apologize after sex talk broadcast from helicopter. (Editor’s note: Be advised that content in paragraph 6 may offend some readers)
Best example of double-talking hypocrisy will get the caption and the credit.
In 1427, Stefan’s successor Đurađ Branković had to return Belgrade to the Hungarians, and Smederevo became the new capital. During his reign, the Ottomans captured most of the Serbian Despotate, [Read More]
VIA- Sean Pádraig – iOTWreport commenter Confederate Digest – This is a reminder that there was not a single major slave uprising during the War for Southern Independence, although countless Southern homes, plantations and [Read More]
Even when I knew the backstory I was suckered into feeling bad for Lyle Mitchell, the husband of the Shawskank, the woman who helped the two convicts escape from the maximum [Read More]
Even a murdering maniac has the wherewithal to comply with the police when they’ve pulled him over. Take heed grievance mongers. Roof Arrest—
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