Jury Acquits Man In ‘Stand-Your-Ground’ Shooting
Squatters have no rights… BlurBrain- RENO, Nev. (AP) — Accused of murder for confronting two unarmed trespassers with a deadly barrage of gunfire, Wayne Burgarello walked out of a Nevada [Read More]
AWD- One of the biggest reasons America society has fallen by every standard is because the standards of self-reliance, decency, courtesy, independence have been forgotten. In accordance, the stigma of [Read More]
Caitlyn Jenner
So, Bruce wants to be called Caitlyn and the left tells me he is really a woman. Let’s examine this ridiculousness a little further, shall we? Bruce says he’s still attracted [Read More]
Ayatollah Khamenei Rejects Future Inspections
FrontPageMag: The Islamic Republic’s Supreme Leader and theocrat, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has the final say in domestic and foreign policy issues of Iran, delivered a commencement speech recently to the graduates [Read More]
Hollywood Actor Michael Enright Joins Kurdish Forces
ISIS Is a Stain on Humanity, I’m Focused on Killing Them.
He’s One Tough Sumnab!tch
Getting back into the cockpit after you were killed in a plane crash is probably the scariest thing you’ll ever do while you’re dead. link
The Narcissism of Transgenderitis
These quotes in a Daily Mail article sums up the mental illness aspect of transgenderitis rather nicely. Aspiring model realised she was transgender by ACCIDENT after dressing up in hot [Read More]
Women Priests In The Church Of England Want To Start Calling God “She” Instead Of “He”
Downtrend- They’ve got it backwards. They want to make God in their own image. Women priests in the Church of England want to start referring to God as “She” in [Read More]
Egyptian Historian: We Must Focus on Our Own Interests, Not on the Palestinian Cause
Maged Farag Supports Normalized Relations with Israel.
CNBC wonders when Hillary will start campaigning
‘How’s Hillary Doing? Wish We Could Tell You’ LarryElder- By John Harwood, May 29, 2015, CNBC I’ve been inside Hillary Clinton’s national campaign headquarters in Brooklyn. I’ve talked with “senior [Read More]
Ferguson Mayor: Media Ignoring How Protesters Aren’t Local, Or Working for Free
Newsbusters: The newspaper The Hill reports that the mayor of Ferguson, James Knowles III, charged on Sunday that violent protesters in his community are arriving from out of town and [Read More]
Families of NY gun violence victims want “stop and frisk” reinstated
“Somebody has to put their foot down,” the uncle said. “A lot of people would agree with stop-and-frisk if it’s for the safety among us,” he said. “They used to [Read More]
Qatar extends travel ban on Gitmo 5
WASHINGTON (AP) — Qatar has agreed to temporarily extend travel bans on five senior Taliban leaders released last year from the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in exchange for Sgt. [Read More]