Emanuel’s Chicago Nears Fiscal Free Fall
IBD –Cities: The problem with socialism, Margaret Thatcher once noted, is you eventually run out of other people’s money. In progressive Chicago, that’s hit home as Moody’s has cut its [Read More]
IBD –Cities: The problem with socialism, Margaret Thatcher once noted, is you eventually run out of other people’s money. In progressive Chicago, that’s hit home as Moody’s has cut its [Read More]
From Moonbattery: When inside a Mexican consulate, you are on Mexican soil, even if outside the door is San Bernardino, California. This is the place to look if you want [Read More]
PJ Media— Unexpectedly. “Two years ago this week, my stepson came home wearing an Arabic black thawb. He walked into the sitting-room, smiled defiantly at me and at his father, [Read More]
Breitbart: Italy may be preparing for military action in Libya following reports that the Islamic State (ISIS, ISIL) may use the coastal North African country to stage attacks. “The Italian Navy [Read More]
Judge: EPA has been ‘offensively unapologetic’ WFB: A federal judge rebuked the Environmental Protection Agency on Monday for discriminating against a conservative group, saying the agency was either lying or [Read More]
Breitbart: The former chiefs of staff to House Speaker John Boehner and Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus are part of a concerted effort to target House conservatives with advertisements [Read More]
From Legal Insurrection: There are snipers on the White House roof. Forget teams of fences, dogs, pressure-triggered alarms, or roving bands of secret agents. We have snipers. Can you imagine the [Read More]
Breitbart: Statistics reveal that emergency room visits are up and not decreasing as the president promised before Obamacare became the law of the land. Ryan Allen, Emergency Medicine Service Line Director [Read More]
*Salty Language!* RangerUpVideo h/t MJA
Ht/ illustr8r https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBSMITRbhxs&feature=youtu.be
Newser: Before he was ISIS’ notorious executioner, Mohammed Emwazi was an upscale Londoner—and one who apparently felt persecuted, according to old email correspondence between Emwazi and journalist Robert Verkaik dating back [Read More]
Try This Test .
Patriot Retort: Dianne Feinstein is really, really angry! Why, she is so angry, you would think that the CIA was waterboarding Gitmo prisoners again. You see, Benjamin Netanyahu said that [Read More]
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