IOTW Report – Page 7444

Shoot Them

Friday, 3 October 2014, 8:09 BFH 0

Moronic Ebola Infected Family Refuses To Stay Quarantined FAMILY OF DALLAS EBOLA patient is legally quarantined after not complying with requests to stay indoors, as new details emerge of early confusion [Read More]

A Slap of ObamaCare Reality

Friday, 3 October 2014, 0:05 BFH 0

YAHOO HEADLINE: The ‘Opt Out’ nation: Why uninsured Americans decided to pass on Obamacare Part of a special series on Obamacare and the changing health care landscape By Mandi Woodruff [Read More]

Well That Escalated Quickly

Thursday, 2 October 2014, 22:00 BFH 0

– TX Health Officials Now Admit 100 Residents May Have Been Exposed to Ebola Liberty News Turns out the Ebola patient zero scenario is not at all likely to be [Read More]

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