IOTW Report – Page 7480

Street Couches Are the Best

Friday, 3 January 2014, 1:10 BFH 0

NTDWA- Woman discovered boa constrictor living inside couch she’d found on street two months earlier Two months after she moved a second hand couch into her bedroom, a Grand Rapids, Michigan woman [Read More]

Losing Their Minds

Thursday, 2 January 2014, 23:45 BFH 0

The Indiana Medical History Museum reported multiple break-ins last year. Authorities were unable to figure out who was doing it.  Then they got a tip that the stolen brain tissue [Read More]

Observed Bowel Movement

Thursday, 2 January 2014, 22:15 BFH 0

You want to observe my bowel movement? Come here… a little closer. CBS Federal agents wrongfully strip-searched a New Mexico woman at the El Paso border crossing, then took her [Read More]

‘Hit Piece Journalism’

Thursday, 2 January 2014, 21:30 BFH 0

Townhall Thomas Sowell Front-page editorials, disguised as news stories, have become such familiar features of the New York Times that it should have been no surprise to discover in the [Read More]

Redistribution of Smart

Thursday, 2 January 2014, 20:45 BFH 0

The left not only redistributes wealth, they redistribute brains. Sondrakistan- … Smart once used to be an unreachable quality. … Intelligence has since been democratized. Smart has been redistributed. … [Read More]

Super Thin Skin

Thursday, 2 January 2014, 20:00 BFH 0

ATRS If you haven’t heard yet, according to Breitbart, in 1996, Texas State Senator and Abortion cheerleader, Wendy Davis sued the Fort Worth-Star Telegram for being critical of her. Apparently by [Read More]

Cage Match 4

Thursday, 2 January 2014, 19:41 BFH 0

BKeyser won Cage Match #3 Cage Match 4 ends at 6pm et  Jan 3rd To vote in Cage Match #4 GO HERE .

Mossberg launches line of Duck Commander firearms

Thursday, 2 January 2014, 19:15 BFH 0

Bizpac The superstar, “Duck Dynasty,” Robertson family behind the multimillion-dollar Duck Commander company has partnered with firearm giantMossberg to launch a new line of guns for 2014. “Mossberg. Built rugged. Proudly American. Just like us,” [Read More]

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