IOTW Report – Page 7503

Fool’s Gold

Saturday, 1 March 2014, 18:00 BFH 0

With the failure of Mt. Gox and the evaporation of 850,000 bitcoins (estimated loss of $425 million) its time to SELL, SELL, SELL the worthless fictions before you lose your [Read More]

Job (B)Lock

Saturday, 1 March 2014, 14:00 BFH 0

Watch the video at the link and then multiply it by about 5 million and you’ll get a sense of why the participation rate is so low and the “unforeseen [Read More]

Double standard for political gaffes

Saturday, 1 March 2014, 13:00 BFH 0

Fox News Doug McKelway In politics, the dreaded foot in mouth gaffe is an occupational hazard.The casual statement, the careless snipe, the outdated phrase that bypasses the brain’s “sensitivity” filter [Read More]

Obama’s Priorities

Saturday, 1 March 2014, 11:34 BFH 0

While Putin was busy carving up Ukraine and slicing off the Crimea, Obama occupied himself with meaningless statements followed by happy hour with the Democratic National Committee. Read the story here [Read More]

Presidential Debate Flashback

Saturday, 1 March 2014, 10:00 BFH 0

Obama Attacks Romney For Saying Russia Our Biggest Geopolitical Threat…  Obama To Romney: “Cold War Is Over Governor”  

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