IOTW Report – Page 7505

This One is Hard To Report

Friday, 3 January 2014, 23:12 BFH 0

RIP Phil Everly, the greatest harmony singer in rock history.

Dung Shui

Friday, 3 January 2014, 22:15 BFH 0

A study by German and Czech scientists observed that dogs like to align themselves north and south before pooping in your lawn.  The researchers believe they use the earth’s magnetic [Read More]

Liberal Douche’ Bag Twitter Quote

Friday, 3 January 2014, 21:00 BFH 0

This is why America is DOOMED! @Mr_Pinko Obama lied, politicians lie deal with it.Politics is not for the faint hearted — SHIRLEY OSWALD (@shirley_solar) January 4, 2014

10 most corrupt politicians of 2013

Friday, 3 January 2014, 17:45 BFH 0

Big Government Judicial Watch’s Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians of 2013 Judicial Watch (JW) has released its list of Washington’s “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians” for 2013, and it’s bipartisan [Read More]

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