Paris Terrorist’s Video Underscores Live-Streaming Challenges For Social Media – IOTW Report

Paris Terrorist’s Video Underscores Live-Streaming Challenges For Social Media

RFERL: A 25-year-old Frenchman who declared loyalty to the Islamic State (IS) militant group opened a new chapter in global terrorism this week by using social media to stream video live from the scene of his gruesome attack.

Larossi Abballa used Facebook to broadcast his 12-minute video on June 13 from the home near Paris of his victims, showing images of the slain police couple while holding their 3-year-old son hostage.

Police shot Abballa dead and rescued the traumatized child after a three-hour standoff.

But Abballa’s video, including his calls for others to follow his example, remained on Facebook long enough to be copied and redistributed by pro-IS websites. And although the video was taken down quickly, Facebook did not disable his account until the following day.

5 Comments on Paris Terrorist’s Video Underscores Live-Streaming Challenges For Social Media

  1. If they’re on the No-Fly list or the Terrorist Twats list or Whatever Gov list, no social media for them.

    And if the islamic freak live-streams his evil deeds, sur the social media outlets who aided and abetted.

    What? It’s what they want to do with guns.

  2. How do you stop these whack-os from using FB? Unless FB develops some kind of real time way to stop the streaming, it’s impossible unless we turn into a Red China(not that we’re getting awfully fucking close anyway)

    I don’t see the government restricting Zuck as long as he’s a cultural Marxist.

    Coming at this from another angle is to eliminate every vestige of Islam here and stop all moslim emigration. We didn’t allow Nazism or Nazis to come here, why do we allow moslims to come here and take up anti American positions. Remove all mosques, ban CAIR, NAIOF and ISNA. Deport every non citizen, moslim.

  3. It is totally amazing, disconcerting and strange to note all those who are completely under the thrall of Islam. The Democrat Party, Republican Party elites, Media, social engineers, Facebook, Google, Marxist websites, TV Comedians, pundits, and Hollyweird pukes, etc, etc, etc!

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