“Parler is back, Twitter is useless and Facebook can kiss my ass” – IOTW Report

“Parler is back, Twitter is useless and Facebook can kiss my ass”

Patriot Retort:

…And while Parler has returned, something tells me Big Tech and its creepy allies on the Left aren’t done trying to shut it down. As it is, within hours of Parler returning yesterday, the vicious assholes from Sleeping Giants were already on a search and destroy mission.


 Parler: @DiannyRants
Gab: @DiannyRants

24 Comments on “Parler is back, Twitter is useless and Facebook can kiss my ass”

  1. I somehow doubt the new Parler is the same as the old Parler. I am not sure I trust Bongino these days. While he talked a good game, he seems to have gone over to the “We really shouldn’t do anything that shakes up the Swamp.”

  2. For the life of me I cannot understand this stubborn and thoughtless insistence by conservatives on pushing Parler, when there is a better alternative that does not collect personal data, that really is for free speech, and that had the foresight to insulate itself from dependency on Big Tech.


    (As for Dan Bongino, I’ve met and like the guy. But he’s no brainiac, and he’s been looking out for his own interests by being the “face” of Parler, an inferior data-gathering product that already has announced that it will be using AI and human monitors. And when it’s sold down the road a few years for megabucks to…? I don’t criticize him for looking out for his own financial interests, but don’t make the mistake again. Remember how free speech the Google once was.)

  3. Don’t knock Parler. You can be on that AND Gab. You can trade Google for DuckDuckGo.
    Parler has been a bit clunky but don’t lose sight of the main objective: to lessen the impact of Facebook, Twitter and Google.
    Remember, AOL sucked big fat elephant you-know-what but we were fed up with the post office so it was a worthwhile step at that time. Small steps.

  4. I’m on the same line of thought as PHenry. If I want to contact someone I have their phone number and address. If I wish to enter a forum to hear people’s views that are similar to mine well, here I am and I rarely get let down by what I find here.

  5. … yeah. App doesn’t work. Site doesn’t work. Sign-in captcha just sits there, pretending to do something.

    I’d like to give it another chance, but I can’t even do that.

    Bye, Parler.

  6. Parler – bait and switch. More than likely progressive big tech elites control it now.
    They think conservatives are a stupid blind mob, drawn to anything that calls itself “conservative”.
    You know the drill and excellent advise – “Trust, but verify”, Ronald Reagan.


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