Pastor and Wife Arrested for Homeschooling Children in ‘Normalized’ Cuba – IOTW Report

Pastor and Wife Arrested for Homeschooling Children in ‘Normalized’ Cuba

Breitbart: A pastor and his wife have been arrested in Cuba for homeschooling their children, according to Mike Donnelly, director of global outreach for the Home School Legal Defense Association, a U.S.-based organization that has offered legal assistance to homeschooling families since 1983.

Donnelly wrote about Cuban pastor Ramón Rigal and his wife Adya, who were arrested on Feb. 21, on the HSDA website on Monday.

“The Obama administration argued that normal relations with Cuba would lead to improved conditions for Cubans,” Donnely wrote. “But things have not gotten better for homeschoolers.”

“We wanted the freedom to give our children the education that we, the parents, have chosen,” Ramón said. “As Article 26.3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights says, every parent has the right to give his children the education that he chooses.”

“The Municipal Office of Education in Guantánamo wrote to Ramón explaining, among other things, that ‘in our system, homeschooling is not considered an educational institution, as this term is basically used in countries with capitalist foundations,’” according to the Home School Legal Defense Association.

“The letter also stated that the Cuban penal code provides sanctions for a person who ‘leads a minor to abandon his home, be absent from school, refuse educational work that is inherent to the national system of education, or fail to fulfill his duties related to the respect and love for the homeland.’”

Donnelly said this stance violates international human rights law — something characteristic of totalitarian regimes like the one in Cuba.

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5 Comments on Pastor and Wife Arrested for Homeschooling Children in ‘Normalized’ Cuba

  1. From the link: “Donnelly said this stance violates international human rights law…”

    Whom exactly is charged with enforcing this “international law”? Perhaps this is a work product of the ‘worthless as tits on a hog’ United Nations?

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