Paul Joseph Watson- The Clowns of Climate Change Activism – IOTW Report

Paul Joseph Watson- The Clowns of Climate Change Activism

6 Comments on Paul Joseph Watson- The Clowns of Climate Change Activism

  1. I’d love to watch this video. I love PJW! But I have Hughesnet no speed buffer wheel so I’m not allowed video or gifs for the next ten days when the new billing cycle starts. Unlimited high speed Buffer ring! Yay.

  2. Nigel – He just points out that the whole climate change mantra is a scam to redistribute wealth (which the UN muckety-mucks have admitted themselves). The “activists” are just a bunch of retarded hippies that are useful idiots and monumental hypocrites.

    His video is more entertaining, but that is the basic gist of it.

    You might want to look at a wi-fi hotspot (netgear nighthawk is one) to replace the hughesnet system. I’ve talked to several people that have bought them and are very satisfied with good speeds and unlimited data plans (just be careful to get one that is unthrottled and unlimited). You just need a decent wireless signal where you are located. You have to use a SIM card from a carrier like AT&T or Verizon (whoever has the best signal in your area).

    There are youtube videos that show how well this technology works as well (once you can watch videos LOL).

  3. I see Greta was snubbed for the Nobel Peace prize. They sure retired her early. Who will she sue…because fairness and all.

    This MIT PhD (inventor of email) has an excellent vid on the CC scam, and why DT pulling out of the Paris Agreement was a good thing. He’s also running for Senate in MA.

    I sent this to a lib friend who believes in the CC sham. After watching, she replied, “omg, carbon taxes won’t even pay for this”!


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