Pay-Per-View Autopsy Event Canceled Due to Backlash – IOTW Report

Pay-Per-View Autopsy Event Canceled Due to Backlash

King 5-

The organizer of a public, pay-per-view autopsy “class” scheduled for Halloween day in Seattle says the event has been canceled.

“Unfortunately for Seattle and the north west (sic), team members have decided to cancel the event in your area,” said Jeremy Ciliberto, founder of, in an email to KING 5 News.

Organizers had planned a cadaver dissection class in Seattle where an autopsy would have been performed on a dead body before a live audience.

Ciliberto sold tickets for up to $500 to the public to view in-person the autopsy and dissection of an actual human body. The event was scheduled to take place Sunday in a Marriott hotel conference room in Seattle.

The cadaver lab is touring as part of the Oddities and Curiosities Expo, which travels across the country.

It was the second in a series of pay-per-view autopsies that Ciliberto had planned to bring to paying customers.

Reaction to the first show, which took place in a Marriott hotel in Portland on Oct. 17, sparked questions from the authorities and the KING 5 Investigators and led to the cancellation in Seattle.

“We feel that this was not respectful and certainly not ethical,” said Kimberly DiLeo, the chief medical death investigator for the Multnomah County, Oregon Medical Examiner.


14 Comments on Pay-Per-View Autopsy Event Canceled Due to Backlash

  1. Been replaced by the New Horror film:

    “Bill & Hillary recreate the conception of Chelsea 2021”

    Sorry folks, I’m already in a mood this morn.

  2. I sat in on autopsies when I was learing to be a medic. I watched autopsy videos. It was extremely valuable in terms of getting a really good understanding of human anatomy, and it also pretty forcefully drives home the finality of death when you see the pathologist undermine someone’s scalp all along the hairline and pull it forward over their face like a caul so they can cut their brains out, after doglegging their chest to yank and examine and weigh their chitlins.

    Might be you next. Always good to have something to look forward to.

    If you’re there to actually LEARN something, you can put the atavistic fear aside pretty quickly, ignore the smell, and appreciate the marvel that is the human body even when it isn’t functional, and get a real good sense of what can kill and what can be survived. People can be carrying all sorts of things around they don’t even know about that doesn’t come up because something else killed them first. One guy had nacent tuberculosis that there was no record he ever knew about or saw a doctor about, but his heart killed him before it could. The autopsy made it possible to warn others around him when he was alive (WAY pre-COVID) that they should probably get checked themselves.

    As far as consent, yes, this is needed, but you’d be surprised what people will consent to. My wife’s aunt passed just this week, died of a glioblastoma so she was well aware it was coming, and – most importantly – made her peace with the Lord. After that, she directed that her body be not buried, but donated to a “Body Farm”. She was VERY interested in forensic science, and that played an important part in it. For the untutored, what will happen now is that they will check her corpse for COVID (I have NO idea WHY) and, if it does NOT have it, her remains will be placed on land dedicated for this purpose, fully exposed, and forensic students will study her and track things like how she rots, what bugs set up in her corpse, what their gestational development is, etc., various things that are good to know if you want to know WHERE someone died and how LONG ago someone died for forensic/law enformcement purposes. It seems pretty gross, I know, but it’s something that HAS to be done and something SHE was interested in AND knowingly consented to (before the tumor wrecked her), so why not.

    Pray for that family peace, by the way. Everyone knew it was coming and she was pretty wrecked when she went, but she was excited to be going home to the Lord and no humane person would have wanted her to continue as she was, but still, folks miss their moms, grandmas, etc, when they die, and when a long-term illness dies people get eaten up with guilt because they are RELIEVED it happened, it’s normal and human and completely understandable, but help pray them through anyway. Let’s call them Mary’s family, they are having a memorial for her on Friday, she will not be in attenance, being busy with the Lord.

    Anyway, that’s all good for folks who actually have a REASON to study death. That said, I’m not as sure about death voyeurs, people who get off on death, want a fear out of death, maybe have a tinge of necrophilia to boot. We had a guy who knew a guy who worked in the Coroner’s office in Cincinnati who liked taking pictures of posed dead people with objects that had NOTHING to do with them WITHOUT CONSENT in Hamilton County Ohio, and he was active with this when my father died, so I had to look at some pretty shitty things to make sure NONE of them were HIM (they weren’t). So there ARE sick puppies out there. Here’s a link to show you THIS “artist”.

    And folks don’t know about THEMSELVES how they are going to react when they see/hear/smell this. When the knife plunges, when the fat parts, when the ribs are retracted, when the organs plop into the scale, it can be pretty graphic, pretty lurid, and make life seem pretty cheap and the handling of the end of it very, very callous. Folks may pass out, freak out, gross out, vomit, or may be just fine. You don’t know till you try. Granted, if its televised you can’t SMELL it, but other than that, it still has some VERY distubing things going on with human bodies that could EASILY break people who can’t handle things like this, make them crazy, or even harden them to not respect life at all. It’s not something I would recommend for childen, and I don’t see the point if you don’t plan to ever cut someone open or be involved with people on a patient level, other than just postmortem rubbernecking.

    But at the end of the day, IF the ex-person had given consent, and IF everyone is warned of the foregoing ahead of time, what the hell, it’s your eyes. They’re not going to do any naughty bits or anything, so maybe you can learn something without being a sick freak, maybe even get an interest in medicine.

    It’s your choice.

    But about consent…

    …autopsies are sometimes limited by patient or family request that are SUPPOSED to be honored, absent a compelling police reason to do otherwise. Some religions, such as Catholicism, want the organs back for burial, which is inconvenient for the busy pathologist who wants time to study the organs, which there isn’t before the funeral. So, an unethical one will put someone ELSE’S organs back IN, keeping THIS guy’s organs for later review. Other forms of limited consent can be cranial contents ONLY (which is hard to cheat on unless they want to gamble that no one’s going to LOOK to see that Y-Cut pathologist’s tattoo), or abdominal contents ONLY. As far as the latter is concerned, there ARE patholgist who have bragged that they can reach up through an abdominal incision and get whatever they want out from there, all the way up to the tounge, and still be following the LETTER of the request. This is pretty unethical and didn’t USED to be common, but the entire medical profession sold out to Communism this year and they PURGED non-believers this month, so anything goes THESE days…

    …and that is really my FINAL objection. To some, who don’t understand that a body that the soul has been returned to the Lord from is basically an empty envelope that God sent a love letter to Earth in, those who don’t BELIVE in the soul may use this as a reason to discredit God’s handiwork and further devalue life. Bodies are bodies are bodies, they can say, look how cheap Life is, who cares, they are all just useless, rotting flesh, so killing people means nothing if Life is so cheap. They COULD be used this way…and, in this modern day, especially as a “halloween” attraction, it seems more like an offering to satan than a valid learning experience, and is probably MEANT that way. Presentation is everything though, and if it was done like the videos I saw for learning back in the day with NO production value or paid actors, maybe OK, but if it’s all theatrical and crap, hell NO I wouldn’t watch it, that’s disgusting.

    So on balance, I’m pretty OK with something like this not being offered, but as someone who snuck and watched “Faces Of Death” as a kid, well, I can’t really say I’m on the side of the censors either…

    …you’re an adult human. Make your own choices.

    Just know that some choices are worse than others for some people…

  3. What’s the big deal, they abort babies and some of them end up in a jar floating in who knows what chemical. I’ve watched many episodes of Dr. G, a medical examiner who had a show depicting autopsies on people. She enjoyed finding out what killed them. I agree with AnonTropper.

  4. Is a live broadcast of necrophilia next? Nothing will satisfy these insane perverts expectations lower than viewing someone having sex with a corpse. They’re going to have to make the Marianna’s Trench deeper in order to bottom out any lower than they already are. If you don’t believe in God, you will believe and fall for anything and every perversion imaginable and try to call it good so as to assuage your sin.

  5. When I think of the treatment of a deceased person’s body, I always am reminded of how carefully and tenderly Jesus’ body was handled.

    It’s one thing to make use of a cadaver for the pursuit of medical knowlege and training, it’s quite another to exploit it for shock entertainment and money. Shameful, I think.

  6. There is nothing socially redeeming, valuable, educational, or morally uplifting about broadcasting an autopsy, and this is coming from someone who had to professionally sit thru a few. It is salaciously pandering to the worse class of people, providing shock porn for some perverse titillation. Much like the Jacobins in Revolutionary France gathering around the guillotine.

    And if for some reason there was an appreciable appetite for this type of “entertainment” your typical Hollywood studio could provide material models life like in every way.

    One of the best shows on Hulu is Harrow, about an Australian forensic pathologist that solves crimes ala Sherlock Holmes. Most episodes shows a cadaver on the table half cut up. No need for the real thing.

  7. I’ve seen enough of them thank you! Seems like they were always right after we ate lunch. To save time and not feel rushed some of us would just grab a sandwich and a soda ant take it down to the gallery in the morgue.


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