Pelosi Dangles Prospect of Committee “Term Limits” Before Rebel House Dems – IOTW Report

Pelosi Dangles Prospect of Committee “Term Limits” Before Rebel House Dems

The Hill –

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is reportedly weighing placing term limits on Democratic chairmen in an effort to lock down the votes needed to secure the Speaker’s gavel. More

5 Comments on Pelosi Dangles Prospect of Committee “Term Limits” Before Rebel House Dems

  1. …I suspect the good Lord is about to impose HIS term limits on ALL the superannuated Democrat leaders.
    …and they DON’T get a vote on THAT, either.

    …God’s kind of undemocratic, like THEY want to be. I wonder how much they’ll enjoy being on the receiving end of that…

  2. If they were looking to the future and wishing to develop their members for leadership they would initiate some kind of rotation system, but the old timers have been waiting 8 years for their chance to lord it over the rest of us and they aren’t going to worry about anything but their own power.

    Pelosi has to hope that the back benchers give her credit for at least trying and put her back into the Speaker’s chair.

  3. “…placing term limits on Democratic chairmen in an effort to lock down the votes…”

    Easy enough to change back when she gets her way. This is a non-issue.

    BTW, ain’t this the week Q anon said all kinds of shit was going to hit the fan? Has a new date been published yet when “the plan” is going to really hit the deep state in the nutz?

    I’m sure it’s coming ‘real soon’, just like I keep getting told.


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