Pelosi Declares the Biden Sexual Assault a Closed Issue – IOTW Report

Pelosi Declares the Biden Sexual Assault a Closed Issue

That was easy.

If only someone simply declared the Kavanaugh claims a closed issue.

18 Comments on Pelosi Declares the Biden Sexual Assault a Closed Issue

  1. ode to pelosi/pees-loosely:
    .a dementia congressional-speaker
    .p***ed down her pantsuit on a sneaker,
    .she wheezed to her friends
    .this s**t never ends,
    .this bladder just keeps getting weaker!

  2. Rancid Nan says this is a closed issue. She’s actually correct, but not in the way that she intends.

    Tara Reade made a credible accusation that Joey B. assaulted her by penetrating her vagina with his finger(s). There are people willing to go public and come forward to say that Reade told them of the assault, and at least one of these discussions was contemporaneous. Reade’s mother went so far as to call in to a popular national talk show with a generalized account of her daughter’s nasty experience at the hands of a prominent politician.

    Joey B. simply says it didn’t happen.

    Tara Reade is FAR more credible than Joey B. Unless some actual evidence is presented one way or the other, then I know all I need to know to assume Joey’s guilty of sexual assault. From my point of view, the issue IS closed.

  3. The timing is terrible. Why, oh why, couldn’t Reade have come forward with this when the sexual pervert announced his run?

    We need to regain the House by a large margin this year!

  4. I think the accusation is secondary to exposing the blatant hypocrisy in all the left and celebrities in their venal virtue signaling.
    There are issues with her story.
    Even Biden gets the presumption.
    But the madness on the left is way too delicious not to savor.


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