Pelosi Trying To Incite A Riot – IOTW Report

Pelosi Trying To Incite A Riot

Patriot Prayer has a permit to rally at Crissy Field In San Francisco on August 26th. That is unless former speaker Nancy Pelosi (CA-D) can get the national park service to revoke the permit. Both Pelosi and mayor Ed Lee have denounced Patriot Prayer and have accused the group of attracting “white supremacists, neo Nazis, alt-right militiamen and violence.”


The head of Patriot Prayer, Joey Gibson has stated that “She quadrupled the size of the rally. She made it more dangerous, with complete lies.”

So is Patriot Prayer’s a radical white supremacist or Neo-Nazi group? Look at the “About” page on Facebook page Here

An article on them Here

20 Comments on Pelosi Trying To Incite A Riot

  1. I’d wager that 90% of “Nazis, KKK, and Militia Men” that show up to these rallies now will be crisis actors sent in by the left to provoke a melee. They will have protective details and avenues of escape established while everyone in the rally who was not an extremist gets pounded.

  2. Let’s these assholes keep it up. They will lose big time in 2018. People are sick of this……..and yet the left and their compatriots in the Ministry of Truth just keep on ratcheting it up.

  3. You would be surprised how many people that look like they would be all for this stuff are actually wise to whats happening. I was shocked speaking to some of them today and almost all of them know its government/leftist astroturf horseshit.

  4. Mike is right. There’s a lot of public disgust for all the rioters out there. It’s backfiring, just like Occupy and the ‘coffee party’. No one took them seriously anymore and the media had to stop whipping them up and move on. It’ll happen here, too.

  5. Trump changes the calculus a bit, MJA. This time I don’t think the media will stop. They’re so blinded by their hatred for Trump, they clearly lost the self-awareness necessary to realize when their machinations are backfiring on them.

  6. if Pelosi is against it I’m for it. This ignorant bitch has not got anything right in decades. If there are riots at this prayer meeting then it will have been ginned up by antifas or some other Sorus backed organization.

  7. They’re so blinded by their hatred for Trump, they clearly lost the self-awareness necessary to realize when their machinations are backfiring on them.

    I’m counting on more of that. Wondering when their combined $hitshows will imploed.

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