Pentagon Wasted $28 Million on Different-Colored Camo for Afghan Soldiers – IOTW Report

Pentagon Wasted $28 Million on Different-Colored Camo for Afghan Soldiers

NTK: USA Today reported on Wednesday that Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction John Sopko identified $28 million wasted on uniforms for Afghan soldiers.

According to USA Today’s reporting:

The Pentagon wasted as much as $28 million over the past decade buying uniforms for the Afghan army with a woodland camouflage pattern appropriate for a tiny fraction of that war-torn country, according to the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction.

The Afghan Defense Minister picked the pricey, privately owned “forest” color pattern over free camouflage schemes owned by the U.S. government, according to an advance copy of the report due out on Wednesday. The scathing, 17-page study notes that “forests cover only 2.1% of Afghanistan’s total land area.”  MORE

11 Comments on Pentagon Wasted $28 Million on Different-Colored Camo for Afghan Soldiers

  1. $28 Million? 100,000 pairs for $280 a piece?
    Insider/no bid contract?
    Who got the contract and who approved it? Fire their ass.

    One good point:
    They were designed to help the Afghanistan army to become invisible, run faster when they drop their weapons, abandon Tanks, Humvees and Armored Personnel Carriers.

  2. The usurper filled the Pentagon with ass kissers, yes men, and homosexuals. President Trump has a lot of housekeeping to do. Plus fire all the morond responsible for Lt. Col. Lakin’s court martial.

  3. Mattis ought to get involved in this one and a few others. Having the spectre of the SecDef, an ex-marine deciding he wants to examine your procurement project and skin you alive if he found wrongdoing would do wonders to make others run honest operations. Mattis is a busy guy but a few of these would do wonders.

  4. I’ve always heard they have US military “advisers” – no one to clue them in tha effective camo matches the local terrain & flora?
    And Realtree laughs its way to the bank….

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