People Are Asking – IOTW Report

People Are Asking

Is he/she a they/them?

18 Comments on People Are Asking

  1. I’d like to know what medications the kid was taking more than if there is any gender confusion.

    From what I’ve seen on “Outnumbered” today, it seems like the household was a mess and this kid was on the receiving end.

    @Question, I started the video without even knowing I had an account, so I really doubt you’re going to receive anything at all from Rumble. There were however a couple of goofy commercials before the video started (something about hair styles for women over 60 who want to look 40, which anyone who knows me is way out of my shopping demographic).

  2. I looked up these pronouns –
    (fae e/ey he per she they
    ze zie
    2 taer em him per her
    ver xem
    3 faer eir his pers her their
    4 taers eirs his pers hers theirs vis xyrs
    5 (faerself eirself
    perself herself themself verself xemself
    Ya Da Ya Da Ya Da

    But I’ll be damned if I could find AFU anywhere in there!

  3. I was diagnosed with ADD back in the mid 60’s in Junior HS and put on Ritalin. Fortunately for me I grew out of it, and it never harmed me because Of God’s grace even though I still hated both Junior high and HS. I turned out normal despite the school shrinks trying to peg me as anti-social because I refused to go along with their bs diagnosis. Of course, it helped me tremendously that I was and still am smarter than most of my peers and could out read and write and understand history and other pertinent things better than most of the other students. I was and still am a self-learner and that drives them nuts that I can think for myself, and they can’t or didn’t want it that back then and still do to this day. The educrats want all the kids to be dummies and subservient to the gubmint because they want sheeple who will not question their authority. I refused to be a sheeple, then and now.

  4. geoff – We have a lot in common. You never stop learning, especially when you have a passion to know and understand what makes things tick. There are times when I think I have an old man’s body with a 25 year old curious mind which is one of the reasons I love technology as it is always changing/new! I always looked a college as a springboard to get you into the real world. Once you enter the real world, THAT’s when you really begin the learning journey, but even without that, the passion to learn will take you far! I actually feel sorry for kids today in college (or University) who think they’re gonna earn big bux when they graduate because good employers are looking at your real abilities, not just your degree… which may only mean you were well indoctrinated these days!


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