Performance Artist Gets Make America Great Again Tattooed Around His Anus – IOTW Report

Performance Artist Gets Make America Great Again Tattooed Around His Anus

Huffing Poo calls the guy “heroic.”

-Queer performance artist Abel Azcona has taken his critique of Donald Trump to the next level: by tattooing the words of the president’s campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again,” in a circle around his anus.

The tattooing of the phrase occurred in the Defibrillator Gallery in Chicago amongst a crowd of eager onlookers earlier this week. Azcona, who has engaged in more than 500 performance projects and over 100 individual exhibitions around the world, told The Huffington Post that he considers the bold statement to be a queer, political act.

“I always worked my body as a weapon and a political tool,” Azcona said. “For more than 12 years I have been performing political and social performances and exhibitions that have led me to jail, detention or death threats. I believe in the empowerment of the body and of the pain. The anus is a pleasure zone for many people, and an area of sin for others. I think demystifying what the anus is, and writing a fascist political motto like that in my anus, is a clearly critical and subversive action.”

“I believe that all of us who consider ourselves different should never be silent,” Azcona continued. “We must attack. We must use our body as a weapon of empowerment. We are faggots, women, Mexicans, blacks and different. And we are brave. Art is the greatest critical, social and political weapon I know.”

What a painfully powerful statement!


HT/ Michelle’s Big Beaver

45 Comments on Performance Artist Gets Make America Great Again Tattooed Around His Anus

  1. Question 1: How do idiots like this make a living?
    My guesses:
    – Living off rich daddy’s allowance
    – Living off government disability or else welfare
    – Male prostitute
    – Freeloading off somebody

    Question 2: Do you think this guy has ever done anything truly productive in his life?

  2. Now he’ll have something to show everyone at the orifice party.

    WE need a national assholes day for liberals to celebrate..Oh wait…that’s everyday..nevermind..

  3. Keep in mind that the ire and lust of sodomites is unquenchable. As related in Gen. 19:1-11, the sodomites wanted to rape the two angels who visited Lot. Lot even offered his daughters to them instead of his angelic guests (Gee, thanks a lot Dad!) but that wasn’t acceptable so they tried to break into the house. The angels rescued Lot and then blinded the queers.

  4. It hardly needs stating but this guy really is a waste of skin. I’ll bet cash money that the majority of his income is derived from arts grants from the NEA and other government agencies both in the States and abroad. How many people paid to see this asshole get tattooed? I suspect the answer is zero. Performance “Artistes” don’t actually produce anything lasting and while I wouldn’t try to hinder his freedom to maim himself I would want to pay for it either.

    I hope Trump sticks to his guns and eliminates the NEA and cuts funding to Public Broadcasting. NPR would likely become a shell of what it is now but PBS could actually continue and thrive on donations. Hell, Trump can be big about this and even continue to allow tax deductions for those donations. Oh, and artists like Abel here would actually have to get a job although I’d get a little concerned seeing him bagging fries at the local Wendy’s. Maybe I’d get a baked potato instead.

  5. Any word on when his flight departs for Tahiti ?
    I’m thinking O went to the far side of the world to escape his femdom led life.
    He wants to pretend to be the man this trip, performance artist nut job boy has provided the target for his obsession.

  6. by tattooing the words “Make America Great Again,” in a circle around his anus.

    I think he’s advertising to his prospective butt buddies just how stretched out is his anus. Bring nothing smaller than a baseball bat.

  7. @govlawyer March 17, 2017 at 11:54 am

    Hazard Pay is for Heroes.

    The Hazard Pay is if Tatter had declined. Oh the TatterTales they would yell.

    Anal-ysis: Rising Proof the Bakers are right.

  8. “Didn’t you notice a powerful and obnoxious odor of mendacity in this room? . . . There ain’t nothin’ more powerful than the odor of mendacity . . . You can smell it. It smells like death.” – Big Daddy, Cat On a Hot Tin Roof

  9. After the conclusion of the performance, eager onlooker Barry Soetoro was last seen furiously fondling himself in the men’s bathroom.

    Although he was not immediately available for comment, CNN reports that the follow-up performance by the former president was a heroic and intellectual validation of the artist’s queer political act.

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