Perhaps radical Islam…isn’t – IOTW Report

Perhaps radical Islam…isn’t

AT: When Donald Trump opined that we should stop all Muslim immigration “until we can figure out what is going on,” perhaps he stumbled on something we have yet to recognize: that radical Islam…isn’t.  Much is being made (with good reason) of President Obama’s failure to use the words “radical Islamic terrorism” when describing the horrific act in Orlando and other terror attacks here in the U.S.  Even yesterday’s atrocity, the brutal murder of at latest count 80 civilians, who were run over by a French citizen of Tunisian descent, using a 5-ton cargo truck, has yet to elicit those words from President Obama.

However, our focus may be a bit off here.  Perhaps the problem isn’t radical Islam.  Perhaps the problem is Islam in its entirety.  As horrific as this brutal mass murder was, at what point does a radical politico-religious extreme become a mainstream religious belief?  more

24 Comments on Perhaps radical Islam…isn’t

  1. Wouldn’t it be great if Islam fizzled out like a bad fart?

    There was a time when the putrid stench of Nazism looked to linger forever until America lit a match to get rid of the smell.

    I’ve never used a fart metaphor before. 💩

  2. The writer states the obvious but closes with this idiocy, “…and those so-called, “moderate Muslims” nudge their politico-military-religious construct towards meaningful reformation.”

    He’s got moderate moslims in the appropriate scare quotes but must know that any moslim who attempts to nudge their fanatical cohorts into sanity and the 21st Century, is gonna get their throat cut.

    Right now, with just 1% of our population moslim we’re seeing some pretty horrific shit. What’s it going to be like when there twice as many moslims here? There’s no such thing as a moderate moslim. I was reading a piece by an American vet who said he has many moslim friends and has entrusted his life to moslims many times. That’s great and I’m happy for him but it doesn’t change the fact that 100s of millions of moslims are just fine with killing us.

    The solution ain’t pretty but we all know what it is-let me get you pointed in the right direction-Islam and our republic are incompatible. Period. There’s no such thing as a moderate moslim. That’s like saying there’s good cancer cells

  3. A few misnomers need to be highlighted:
    iSlamophobia: It’s not a phobia when they really are trying to kill us.
    Radical iSlam: It’s not radical. It’s fundamental.
    That and iSlamic “scholars”. It doesn’t take mush intelligence to pee on somebody’s head and insist that it’s only raining!

  4. Czar – These creatures like to “hide” under many different rocks. The names of all the different terrorist groups are too numerous to list here, but they’ll all cut from the same cloth.
    So remember ACORN? It got broken up for voter fraud back in 2010.
    Now they’re 174 different groups. Same Dipshits, different names!
    Slight of hand with names and confusion is all part of the chaos.

  5. MM is exactly correct. The whole of Islam is a death cult. We are caught up in a 7th century religious war the only solution to which is a retaliation to the degree that their bullshit cult does not operate anymore. There are no “moderate” Muslims, simply those who have of yet not committed the usual Islamic atrocities.

  6. In that YT video, yesterday, the woman teaching at the main London mosque said, even while teaching brutal jihad for sharia crimes, that she wasn’t advocating those punishments (paraphrasing) “..until others had ensured a global caliphate”, meaning that so-called moderates were to lie in wait until the right time. I believe, like a cancer, so-called moderates are just waiting to metastisize, to fire up, when the tumor of ‘radical islam’ hits a global tipping point.

  7. Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, on Judge Jeanine yesterday, said that the only thing that will stop islam is a show of force. They neither respect nor really understand diplomacy. It’s like trying to talk a viper into putting its fangs away and accepting a nice orange instead of the tasty frog.

  8. Direct Exerpts from the Quran

    How can anyone defend this?

    1. You can rape, marry, and divorce prepubescent girls (Qur’an 65:4)
    2. You can enslave for sex and work (Qur’an 4:3, 4:24, 5:89, 33: 50, 58:3, 70:30)
    3. You can beat sex slaves, works slaves, and wives (Qur’an 4:34)
    4. You will need 4 Muslim male witnesses to prove a rape (Qur’an 24:4)
    5. You are to kill Jews and Christians if they do not convert or pay the Jizya tax (Qur’an 9:29)
    6. You are to crucify and amputate non-Muslims (Qur’an 8:12, 47:4)
    7. You will kill non-Muslims to receive 72 virgins in paradise (Qur’an 9:111)
    8. You will kill anyone who leaves Islam (Qur’an 2:217, 4:89)
    9. You will behead non-Muslims (Qur’an 8:12, 47:4)
    10. You will kill and be killed for Al’llah (Qur’an 9:5)
    11. You will terrorize non-Muslims (Qur’an 8:8:12, 8:60)
    12. You may steal from non-Muslims (Qur’an Ch. 8)
    13. You may lie and deceive to strengthen Islam = Taqiyya Tactics(Qur’an 3:26, 3:54, 9:3, 16:106, 40:28)

  9. With no balls to be found anywhere in America, it looks like Fat Man and Little Boy won’t be making their necessary pilgrimage to Mecca.

    It’s incredibly sad to watch a great Nation die in its sleep. 🙁

  10. The ONLY RADICAL Islamists are those who wish to co-exist, to reform Islam and to live in peace.

    The ones who rape, murder, maim, enslave, infiltrate, lie, scheme and conquer are the normal, garden variety, mainstream Muslims, willfully following the ravings of an epileptic, sociopath, madman bandit.

  11. We are drowning in a sea of “-isms.”
    They are all detrimental to the soul.

    When rendered to the essence, there is “good” and “evil” and damn near every “-ism” can be allocated into one or the other – mostly the other. Or we can think of it as “freedom” as opposed to “slavery,” which also encompasses the near entirety of human existence. Some systems are complete, unequivocal slavery – socialism and izlamism, for instance, while others – democracy and republicanism are only partially so.
    If we are to avoid the chains of izlamism, izlam must be destroyed. DESTROYED. Not contained. Not restrained. Not tolerated.
    But the same can be said of socialism. It, too, must be destroyed. It must be purged from the minds and hearts of every people on Earth.

    This, of course, discounts the, literally billions of humans who CHOOSE to live as slaves, leaving decisions to others and taking comfort in the rigor of their chains and routines – lying on the ground, facing mecca, and “praying” five times a day, for instance. Or picking up a couple of bottles of Mad Dog 20/20 and some dope with the EBT card and sitting in front of the TV for 12 hours.

    izlam is only one of the fronts on which Freedom is assaulted. Destroying them, individually, in detail, so to speak, seems insurmountable – sort of a reality version of “Whack-a-Mole” where another “ism” pops up before we’ve finished one. We need to understand, that they are ALL from the same place – from the same source. And that redemption is in the fight – not the victory.

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. The calls for government action are at the root of our problem.
    How can one expect their government to do what they are too cowardly to do themselves? Nazis and the KKK are fringe groups that live in hiding and are powerless, and that is not due to government action. If the population treated the followers of Islam the way they treat Nazis and the KKK the vermin would retreat back to the hole they came out of.
    Every single person who does not treat these reprobates as the scum that they are is an accessory to islam and what it stands for and does.

  13. @Sylvia (love that avatar! 😉 –

    You might also appreciate this observation:

    “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the public treasure. From that moment on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most money from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy followed by a dictatorship.”

    — Alexander Tyler


  14. TO JohnS

    As they said in the film “Deliverance” (and probably your last date in Castro did, too), “you got a purdy mouth, boy.”

    Your talk is all game. STFU and get your lame a§$ over there and whip them thar muzzies yourself, if you really think this is not a matter for the government. You faux “tough talk” fools no one, faggot.

  15. Czar, I do not find it surprising that you identify with the uneducated toothless gay guy in Deliverance, your reliance on cursing is typical of the slack jawed types that barely made it out of fourth grade.
    You can put on your goat costume and service your muzzie friends if they are offended by my treating them badly, it is a free country.
    Just don’t expect me to participate in either being nice to them or your gay fun.
    And, no, no amount of down twinkles by you libtard friends is going to make me like muzzies. Ain’t gonna happen.

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