Philadelphia Ends Jail for ‘Non-Violent’ Criminals Because of Wuhan Flu – IOTW Report

Philadelphia Ends Jail for ‘Non-Violent’ Criminals Because of Wuhan Flu


The Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Police Department is implementing a new policy where accused criminals deemed “non-violent” will be quickly released after their arrests in light of the coronavirus crisis.

Police officials confirmed to CBS Philadelphia that accused criminals charged with non-violent crimes will be processed and released so as not to fill up city jails. Police officials said those accused criminals considered to be violent will not be released. read more

13 Comments on Philadelphia Ends Jail for ‘Non-Violent’ Criminals Because of Wuhan Flu

  1. I grew up in s Philly. In the 60s, where I lived was in a predominantly Italian neighborhood(white)

    About 1/2 mile north was the border of the black neighborhood.

    Never the twain shall mix, at least then. There was a constant police presence, crime was rampant in their neighborhood. My cousins and uncles however made damn sure it stayed there.

    Segregation? Yeah I guess. Of course it worked both ways.

    Now the SJW police Chief has just green lighted a crime spree. Bet your ass. Possibly the worst thing she could have announced publicly.

    I live in a town now that’s about 8,000 and that’s too damn big. I just looked it and Philly has a pop. density of 12,000! to a sq. mi. I don’t know how people can live in these shitholes.

  2. Silly me, they are sub dividing crime, releasing criminals for any reason is NOT protecting or serving anybody.Next will be another sub category, they will all be arrested again and the cycle will start all over until the citizens start killing perps in the miifddle of a crime. Then what do you do, morons?


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