Phony Motion Discovered on Trump Raid Court Docket – IOTW Report

Phony Motion Discovered on Trump Raid Court Docket


A bogus motion claiming to be from the U.S. Treasury appeared in the court docket for the Justice Department’s investigation of records seized from Mar-a-Lago. The motion was riddled with spelling and grammatical errors.

The bogus document claimed the Treasury had sensitive documents related to the FBI’s raid on Trump’s Florida home and told CNN to keep “leaked tax records.”

“The U.S. Department of Treasury through the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Marshals Service have arrested Seized Federal Securities containing sensitive documents which are subject to the Defendant Sealed Search Warrant by the F.B.I. arrest,” the document claimed, according to Just The News. Two warrants included in the filing were identical to those from an inmate at a North Carolina prison medical center. more here

8 Comments on Phony Motion Discovered on Trump Raid Court Docket

  1. “The motion was riddled with spelling and grammatical errors.”

    …Have you SEEN the people in the fraudulent Pedo admin? The “vice president”? The Press secretary? The SC judge who can’t even DEFINE “woman”, let alone SPELL it? And how about Pedo himself who can’t even use actual numerical systems or pronounce, well, ANYTHING?

    …Spelling and grammar errors would be the LEAST stupid thing from this bunch, and I would COMPLETELY expect that, since reading and writing be raycciss especially…

    “But that such a clearly bogus document was even able to be filed raises significant questions about the U.S. court system’s vetting process.”
    …the fact they haven’t tossed the entire THING already as the fruit of a poison tree and a very obvious political vendetta and harrassment prosecution “raises significant questions about the U.S. court system’s” OWN partisanship and willingness to entertain ANY fraud in pursuit of “Orange Man Bad” and propping up the illegal Pedo admin.

    What’s the big deal about accepting fraudulent documents from a prison inmate when you accept them from a fraudulent “president” who should BE a prison inmate, after all…

  2. I make more sense than this lame-o claim! For all those “dim” light upstairs, Trump would not read anything while in office. His aids would have to give him a short verbal brief with plenty of pictures. The man has trouble reading the written word. An F’n dumbass.

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