Picture of Cory Booker With His New Girlfriend Rosario Dawson – IOTW Report

Picture of Cory Booker With His New Girlfriend Rosario Dawson

Someone on twitter posted this and I nearly fell of the couch—>

I’m hoping I don’t have to explain the joke.


14 Comments on Picture of Cory Booker With His New Girlfriend Rosario Dawson

  1. Elton John married Renate Blauel back in 1984. Elton John is gay, therefore marrying Renate was a ruse. When a gay persons marries the opposite sex to hide their sexual orientation, their spouse is called a “beard” – they are being used to hide the gay persons true sexual orientation.

    Ergo, Cory Booker is hiding his true nature by dating women.

    Sherman was a fine beard, I especially liked the way he scratched my belly.


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