Police: Shooter in Tulsa medical center attack targeted his doctor after surgery left him in pain – IOTW Report

Police: Shooter in Tulsa medical center attack targeted his doctor after surgery left him in pain

JTN: The suspect in the recent Tusla, Oklahoma, medical center shooting targeted his back doctor, after the doctor recently  performed a surgery on him resulted in ongoing pain, officials said Thursday. more

28 Comments on Police: Shooter in Tulsa medical center attack targeted his doctor after surgery left him in pain

  1. Pain will make you crazy.

    The only time the government won’t let you have drugs is when you NEED them.

    That’s probably in play here.

    Doesn’t excuse the guy, but may at least make it comprehensible…

  2. …seems like he was walking good enough to get guns at 2 places and then come calling at the doctor’s office tho, pretty impressive for a recent surgical patient in that much pain, just sayin’…

  3. Doppy

    Well Libtards want law abiding citizens un armed and unable to protect themselves. If you think the criminals are giving up their weapons you’re crazier than fuck. So what all this gun legislation going to accomplish. It’s going to make normal people victims. I hope you’re shot first.

  4. He probably figured since his surgeon was black, that he’d “help a brother out” by prescribing opioids. Smart blacks are always at risk from the typical low IQ black who hate and resent them for succeeding in a world the loser caste of blacks don’t even remotely understand.

  5. – TheMule (JUNE 2, 2022 AT 9:25 PM)
    There’s some truth to what you say. However, as you know, there is no caste system in the United States of America. Also, racism and class has nothing to do with black hoodrats’ station in life. Ignorant Demwit black Americans choose to stay on the progressive plantation where their basic needs aren’t even met – Insanity.
    Which leads to the conclusion the Tulsa hospital killer, conditioned to following the pattern of insanity, did not seek another doctor for help or suing the one he believed harmed him. No, instead he kills his doctor and innocent bystanders and himself. Proof once again the leftist mindset is insane.


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