Prayers Needed – IOTW Report

Prayers Needed

One of our long-time readers, Ann Nonymous Prime, is in the process of losing her beloved pet very soon. Could we pray for strength for her to get through it?

We, who have a special bond with our critters, know very well the anguish this means. We don’t want to let go but we know there comes a time when we have to. It hurts like hell. It really does. But we know that when it’s over, they will no longer be afraid, feel pain or suffer loss. We will, but our treasured loved pet will not.

Thank you, dear friends.

30 Comments on Prayers Needed

  1. My prayers for you Ann Nonymous Prime.

    It is so hard to go through, our furry critters are sometimes the ones that get us through the day because all they have is love for us, and all we have is love for them.

    Your beloved will cross that rainbow bridge and will be waiting for you in the future, just as I know mine will be. And they will be so excited to see you, even if they give you the side eye for taking so long!

    Strength be with you.

  2. To The Lord I send my prayers for comfort to Anonymous Prime and her beloved pet. I have been down this road before myself. I have asked God why the pets we love so much have such short lives, the answer always came back “ so you appreciate the lives and love you share with family and friends while you can”. My heart goes out , nothing bad can be said about someone who truly loves a pet.

  3. Oh, We know the feeling all too well. It hurts so much! I pray for you to find peace. It’s hard. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Any type of Greif is awful!! It all hurts so much.

    God Bless us all!

  4. Oh no. I’m so sorry.😢 I’ve been there several times. Thinking of Haggis can still make me cry. ❤️ It’s so hard. Sending you a big hug across the interwebs. 💕💕

  5. Dear Lord, we thank You and praise You for the measure of Your love You lend us in the small, precious envelopes of our pets. In those eyes we can understand how pure that love can be, and when we hold them we feel the warmth of a companionship that can only be from You.

    This love is a gift beyond measure, but it is a love too precious to last in this world for long, and while we know this in our minds, it still saddens our hearts when the parting comes.

    Our freind, Your daughter, known to us as Ann Nonymous Prime but whose true name is known well to You, had just now suffered such a loss. Through Your gift of empathy we who have suffered similar loss can understand part of the grief she is now feeling. When those soulful eyes close for the last time in this world it takes a piece of our hearts from us, but let her know that piece of her heart rides across the Rainbow Bridge to stay with that sweet little soul even as it goes to play in the fields of Heaven at the Lord’s feet, and will keep with that dear fur baby until that glad day when you two are reunited again forever.

    Lord, we ask that You touch her in her sorrow and ease the pain of that parting, let the pain of that passing fade even as the memories of that love stay with her forever. Lord, we thank You for sharing that love in earnest of the love of Yours yet to come, and we look forwards to that day we will know Your love and live with You and with those who’ve gone to You before us forever, and we ask this healing of the heart in the merciful name of Jesus, Amen.

    Luke 3:6 – And all flesh shall see the salvation of God.

    God Bless,

  6. Ann, I am very sorry for your loss.
    When you can, in the near future; I recommend writing down your girls’ antics that made you smile. All her quirks, crazy habits and sounds. It’s helped me to keep my recenty passed girl alive in my mind. (of course I have oldzeimers)….

  7. Ann I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet girl.
    I pray that your happy memories will be many and your sad days made easier to bear because of them.

  8. I can’t think of anything more difficult than the loss of a loved pet. You’ve given your pet all the love and care they need and they know it. God loves them and loves you too. Prayers to you for strength and comfort.

  9. Having pets blesses one with some of the best days of your life, and one of the worst ones. I’ve been down that road often. My prayers for an easy passage.

  10. Thank You Lord for the gift of this glorious world and all of Your creation.
    We especially thank You today for the gift of our companion animals.
    They fill our lives with great joy, unquestioned loyalty, and pure love.
    Lord, please help our sister, Ann Nonymous Prime, as she releases her precious companion into Your loving care. Bring her comfort during this difficult time.

  11. Ann, I’m so sorry for your loss. Like many of us here, I have been through this too many times. But I know I was so blessed to have them for the short time I did. Think of your sweet girl across the rainbow bridge, running and playing with no pain, waiting patiently for you.


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