President of Local NAACP Arrested For Selling Cocaine – IOTW Report

President of Local NAACP Arrested For Selling Cocaine


INDY STAR (Muncie) – The president of the local chapter of the NAACP was arrested Wednesday, accused of selling cocaine for a third time to an informant for the Delaware County Sheriff’s Drug Unit.

Timothy Wade Miles, 49, is also assistant director of transportation for MITS, and police reports indicate he was in a vehicle owned by the local bus service when he sold the cocaine. One of the transactions occurred in Westside Park as children played nearby, authorities said.

Miles was then arrested in a traffic stop near MITS headquarters on East Seymour Street. A deputy reported Miles begged him not to arrest him, saying, “My career and life is over.”

The MITS official also reportedly asked the deputy to remove his handcuffs so employees of the bus service would not realize that he was in custody.

Miles later allegedly acknowledged he had gone into cocaine trafficking to raise funds to pay court-ordered child support. He told authorities he routinely bought the drug for $1,250 an ounce and sold it for twice that, reports said.

Police reports indicate during the Westside Park drug transaction, Miles told the informant he was on his way to a NAACP meeting, showing her a related document and said, “I’m president of that.”

A deputy wrote that Miles then laughed and said, “It’s crazy.”

Efforts to obtain comment from state and national NAACP officials were unsuccessful.

The mayor said he felt especially bad for Miles’ children.

“Drugs strike and destroy the core of families,” he said.


22 Comments on President of Local NAACP Arrested For Selling Cocaine

  1. He was selling cocaine? Really? To undercover agents on three separate occasions? To the same agents over and over and over?

    His defense should be — ‘bitch set me up’ – then run for D.C. mayor. His MITS pension will surely follow.

  2. Not sure what pisses the government off more. Is it the prudes that started the ‘War on Drugs’, or that they don’t have a mechanism to collect taxes on the transactions?

    Far as the latter, there actually IS. The Big Banks, Citi, JP Morgan, Wells Fargo that are laundering the billions in drug money are quite the largest contributors to politicians money bags.

    The illicit drug trade in the US could not exist at the scale it does without our major banks being complicit.

  3. By the time he gets to court, he’ll be, “The Esteemed President of the Local NAACP, who found a packet of dangerous drugs and was trying to find a police officer to whom he could give it. Coincidentally, a police officer found him, and then the whole misunderstanding happened. But in light of turning the other cheek, like the Good Book says, my client thinks the police officer should keep his job. All we want is an apology.”

    He needed to pay child support? Seriously? He is transportation DIRECTOR at the local transit authority, and he ain’t pullin’ down at least six figures?

    I call bullshit on the whole “child support” thing.

  4. That’s okay Obunghole will give him a pass and a presidential medal for good measure while at the same time telling us it was
    our white ancestors, fifteen times removed, that caused the poor innocent Black man to commit crimes!

  5. There was a drug delivery in my neighborhood 11,July. Brand new white car pulls up down the street. (All white neighborhood) two blacks in the car
    One goes to the door and gives the guy something and leaves.
    Best part. I’m an undercover living in the neighborhood.
    Needless to say it was all caught on camera and a helecopter followed them when they left the area.
    Trying to find out where they are buying from we don’t want the little guy…yet.

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