Prison Justice – IOTW Report

Prison Justice

Fox News

A man accused of killing nearly two dozen older women and who was convicted last year in the slayings of two was killed Tuesday morning by his cellmate at a Texas prison, an official said.

Billy Chemirmir, 50, was found dead in his cell, said Texas Department of Criminal Justice spokeswoman Hannah Haney. She said that Chemirmir’s cellmate, who is serving a sentence for murder, was identified as the assailant. She said she could not the cellmate’s identity or how Chemirmir was killed. More
Chemirmir’s Wikipedia pages Here

18 Comments on Prison Justice

  1. On a distantly related topic;

    The FTX Bankruptcy Estate is Suing Sam Bankman-Fried’s parent’s to Retrieve Misappropriated Funds.
    It would be WONDERFUL if the Democraps had to give back some of their Donations.

    Source: Y-tube, Coindesk

  2. illinois probation-crystal-ball-gazers let buss out after he served half of a 25 year term for murdering 5? year old girl tara sue huffman in the 80’s, he was 13? years old. free at last, buss then killed 10 year old boy christopher meyer. no problem for the probation-dindus. guess the d-suckers were ramping up for the safe-t bullshit.

  3. In this case it works out well, but what if a guard was killed? In Texas that probably would mean the death penalty but what about a state with no death penalty? Will they give the murderer a second life term?

    That reminds me of a story I heard on Paul Harvey news:

    A convicted murdered was executed after only eighteen months; his victims were attorneys.

  4. “Suspected serial killer Billy Chemirmir killed by cellmate in Texas prison”
    (Fox headline)

    If he was only “suspected” why was he in prison?
    The Media can’t help themselves – they have to lie.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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