Private Security Is a Booming Industry In Seattle – IOTW Report

Private Security Is a Booming Industry In Seattle

Seattle Times

Private security contractor Denise Bamba remembers the point last week when she couldn’t get off the telephone.

It was the Monday after weekend protests occurred in downtown Seattle over the Minneapolis police killing of George Floyd. Fortress Security Services, co-owned by Bamba and her husband, Deschamps, was besieged by local businesses seeking armed guards to protect their property.

“My phone shows I logged more than 200 calls that day,’’ said Denise Bamba, adding the couple turned down numerous requests because the company didn’t have enough guards.

Other security companies also reported an uptick in protection requests from businesses of all sizes and residential complexes downtown, in Capitol Hill, Pioneer Square and even Redmond, West Seattle and Tukwila. Fueling the surge, they say, are fears police consumed with controlling protests won’t prioritize property protection. More

15 Comments on Private Security Is a Booming Industry In Seattle

  1. Courts have repeatedly ruled that police are not required to protect you or your property from others.

    In Seattle, they don’t arrest the following:

    Window breakers
    Open street fire starters (cars, dumpsters, trash, etc.)
    Graffiti artists
    Anyone blocking streets or impeding traffic

    In fact, they will stand by and simply watch those ‘activities.’

    So, in Seattle, there is no “police protection.”

    And no point in living there anymore.

  2. @ Jimmy JUNE 13, 2020 AT 5:16 PM

    The concept of vigilantism demands that government has made a good faith effort to keep up their part of the bargain or they have forfeit the legitimacy to monopoly on dispensation of justice.

  3. @JDHasty – but will the people of Seattle do it themselves? I suspect not – they’re too far gone. There are 10’s of thousands of us in the Northlands that could do it (and like to!), but we won’t either. Not yet.

    I like Bad_Brad’s point about the cyclists stupidly announcing their intent to take over CHAZ on July 4th. Sounds like a spectacle that will only feed the fire.

    The problem is Mayor Durkan, the Seattle City Council and the majority of Seattle idiots that put them there. They have the support of the King County Executive, the Governor of the State of Washington, the Democrat Party of Washington and literally millions of brain dead people in this state.

    There’s still time for Trump to swoop-in his Federal agents and arrest the BLM and Antifa ‘activists.’ *

    * And watch the room temperature IQ children living in CHAZ scatter.

  4. @jimmy

    Yeah, sure the cops won’t arrest the looters and arsonists, but they’ll do the really important things like arrest somebody for taking a swim in the ocean.

    The cops are nothing more than tools of the dnc. I have no more sympathy for them than i do for blm. Let em go to war with each other.

  5. The CHAZ has released a list of demands

    1. The abolition of the Seattle Police Department and the city’s courts. (“We demand that the Seattle Council and the Mayor defund and abolish the Seattle Police Department and the attached Criminal Justice Apparatus. This means 100% of funding, including existing pensions for Seattle Police,” the blog post reads. At least part of the police department’s funding would be reallocated to “Socialized Health and Medicine for the City of Seattle,” also known as free health care.)

    2. Free college for the people of Washington state.

    3. New trials for every violent black convicted inmate “by a jury of their peers in their community.”

    4. The “unrestricted right” for prisoners to vote while incarcerated.

    5. The abolition of imprisonment, which would be replaced by “accountability programs.”

    6. Racially segregated hospitals in Seattle, with black health care workers for black patients.

    7. Educations reforms in Washington state which focus on black and Native American history.

    8. Reparations for “victims of police brutality.”

    9. The abolition of evictions in the city, and an end to “gentrification.”

    10. Mandated anti-bias training for jobs in the education, medical profession and media sectors throughout the state.

  6. ^ THAT is exactly what is happening. It’s full of liberal Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, etc., kids making $250,000+ just to start (working from home!). And the Antifa/BLM (bowel movement) kids are very jealous with thousands of them out of work from Inslee’s COVID wiener trap. Plus, they can’t get their Unemployment on time with Washington’s accounts recently being hacked and stolen.

    Governor Dim Bulb is having a hard time keeping up with anything in his government.

  7. Private Security Is a Booming Industry In Seattle

    That job would suck. I know a couple guys that do it for events at Face Book. I’d be shooting the ass holes I was hired to protect.


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