Professor fails student for refusing to condemn her Christian faith – IOTW Report

Professor fails student for refusing to condemn her Christian faith

CampusReform: A professor at Polk State College has allegedly failed a humanities student after she refused to concede that Jesus is a “myth” or that Christianity oppresses women during a series of mandatory assignments at the Florida college.

According to a press release from the Liberty Counsel, a non-profit public interest law firm, Humanities Professor Lance “Lj” Russum gave a student a “zero” on four separate papers because the 16-year-old did not “conform to his personal worldviews of Marxism, Atheism, Feminism, and homosexuality.” The law firm has called for a full, private investigation of the professor and the course curriculum.  more here

23 Comments on Professor fails student for refusing to condemn her Christian faith

  1. Even if Florida “State Colleges” are renamed junior colleges with one baccalaureate curriculum, the fact that a sixteen-year-old is enrolled in one is somewhat impressive.
    It should also give an idea of that “professor’s” credentials.

  2. It’s pretty obvious this guy’s animus is for Christianity, specifically. I always like to pray for people like him. I think God has a sense of humor about people who like to boast about their Godlessness. He’ll probably have his life saved by a Christian with a gun at just the right moment. . you know, something along those lines.

  3. I can’t wait to hear what progtard prof’s take is on Mohamid & the Koran. Oh, thats right, kick the faith that is required to pray for you and not the one that call to behead you. What a coward.

  4. A college professor’s opinions were threatened by a 16 year old – that in and of itself says more about this guy’s views than anything else. It also shows that this 16 year old student has more huevos than the other students in the class – although to be fair, full time college students frequently have to reguritate and placate in order to get a passing grade in an otherwise useless course of which the content will be soon forgotten.

    One of the professor’s assignments was flawed from the beginning. Luther would probably have not described himself as a humanist – he was a priest who really didn’t want to leave the church, but had serious issues over corrupt Papal practices such as the sale of indulgences. To the extent that Luther had humanist views, he would have been a Christian humanist – in which case it would have been impossible to separate Luther’s humanist views with his theological Christian views because both were intertwined. (Apparently, the 16 year old student pointed this out in one of the essays which received a zero).

    As is far too typical for liberal arts professors, they refuse to allow facts, logic and diverse opinions to intrude into their world view, which frequently consists of philosophies and social theories which have been proven failures throughout history. This is why many liberal professors call themselves Marxists when Marx himself would not have identified with modern day Marxists. If the college wants to retain this professor knowing that he exists in his own loony little bubble, then they can do this – but don’t penalize students who are trying to at least exercise their mind.

  5. Wyatt — You may be an insensitive progressive jerk, but you don’t write like one. 😉

    As an important, consumed product, universities should be required by law to provide dossiers of ideology and associations of its product distribution system. Food mfgs have to clearly label any products which are produced on equipment or in a building that has nuts, for example.

  6. Yes, I agree that colleges should provide information regarding their professors and instructors, including their political views. College was inexpensive when I attended, but with the price of college now, sufficient information to make an informed decision should be required. If a student blows his or her student loan money on a Mercedes that turns out to be a lemon, there is legal recourse. But if a student spends that same money (or more) on college tuition, not to mention the lost opportunity cost, only to receive indoctrination which is neither accurate nor relevant nor educational, then there is no legal recourse.

  7. I had an English prof in the mid 70s try to spin the line that a woman being a prostitute was a holy profession. He was waxing poetic about how noble and shit it was. I called him on it. Told him he was just a horny old man and that any women of the profession would gladly trade in her ‘holy work’ to do anything else.

    He gave me an A even though I didn’t convince him. He didn’t convince me either, but I think he appreciated the spirited debate.

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