Prominent Psychiatrist Says Transgenderism is a Mental Disorder – IOTW Report

Prominent Psychiatrist Says Transgenderism is a Mental Disorder


Dr. Joseph Berger, a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, states that from “a scientific perspective,” being “transgendered” is a psychological issue – “emotional unhappiness” – and “cosmetic surgery” is not the “proper treatment.”

Dr. Joseph Berger, a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, states that from “a scientific perspective,” being “transgendered” is a psychological issue – “emotional unhappiness” – and “cosmetic surgery” is not the “proper treatment.”

Dr. Berger, who also is a past president of the Ontario District Branch of the American

Dr. Berger, who also is a past president of the Ontario District Branch of the American Psychiatric Association, presented his remarksbefore the Canadian House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights when it was considering a bill (C-279) in 2013 to “include gender identity as a prohibited ground of discrimination.”

The proposed legislation, popularly known as the “bathroom bill,” essentially would prohibit discrimination against the transgendered. In the bill, “gender identity” is defined as “the individual’s deeply felt internal and individual experience of gender, which may or may not correspond with the sex that the individual was assigned at birth.”


ht/ NM

19 Comments on Prominent Psychiatrist Says Transgenderism is a Mental Disorder

  1. This women no longer blogs but her blog is still up.

    Really good blog to read. The comments are even better.

    She is the first psychiatrist I ever read that said liberalism is a mental illness.

    A Board-Certified Psychiatrist with over 35 years of clinical experience in psychiatry and aerospace medicine. A former NASA Flight Surgeon and author of CHOOSING THE RIGHT STUFF.

  2. Johns Hopkins stopped sex-reassignment after an extensive survey of their trans patients (they also were the first to recommend that infants born with ambiguous genitalia be converted to female and raised as female ). They found that sex identity is hardwired and those with normal genitalia who think they’re the opposite sex have mental problems that the surgery does nothing to help.

    In 2011 a 30 years study at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden produced the same conclusion.

    Trans had a 20x greater rate of suicide.

  3. Dr Sanity’s blog is excellent. She has some older articles on Muslim women’s secret hatred of men and on Obozo’s malignant narcissism. I wish she would blog again as her work is refreshing.

  4. Sexual identity of a human is quite easy to determine. Remove the clothing. Direct your gaze (self or otherwise) at the top junction of the legs.

    If there are ungainly dangly bits that change aspect ratios depending (no pun intended) on ambient temperature, you are male.

    If you have a lovely ‘Georgia O’Keeffe’ hot house flower you are female.

    If you don’t see things like this, the problem is never between your legs, it is between your ears.

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