Prosecutors Now Recommend Jail Time For Michael Flynn – IOTW Report

Prosecutors Now Recommend Jail Time For Michael Flynn

We knew this was coming, because Flynn brought in Sidney Powell to represent him and shake things up in his case. The DOJ Obama hold overs views anything but complete capitulation to their dirty tactics as endangering to themselves, so now they want Flynn punished. More

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10 Comments on Prosecutors Now Recommend Jail Time For Michael Flynn

  1. It said they recommend 0-6 months didn’t it?

    That’s a far cry from the hanging the judge said he deserved isn’t it?

    If he is sentenced to one hour in prison – pardon him.

    Fuck you Judge Sullivan and thanks for your time. There’s two years of YOUR life you won’t get back.

  2. The judge is a sellout. He should have put
    those pissacutors in jail for lying to the
    court and witholding exculpatory evidence.
    If Flynn gets a one second sentence justice
    is gone and it’s “Katey bar the door”.

  3. Flynn for president, 2024 – he knows the intelligence agencies and has plenty of motive to be reliably anti deep state.

    And then his family would be safe from persecution/ prosecution due to the Biden precedent.

    What better FU could we give the bureaucrats and judges who rule us?

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