Protesters in Atlanta Vandalize ‘Peace Monument’ After Mistaking It for Confederate Symbol – IOTW Report

Protesters in Atlanta Vandalize ‘Peace Monument’ After Mistaking It for Confederate Symbol

Breitbart: Protesters vandalized and attempted to take down the Peace Monument in Piedmont Park in Atlanta on Sunday, mistaking it for a pro-Confederate statue.

The protesters were marching in response to the violent protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday where one woman died after being deliberately hit by a car, and two law enforcement personnel were killed when the helicopter they were in crashed.

“The Atlanta march traveled from Woodruff Park to Piedmont Park Sunday, where some damaged the Peace Monument, erected in 1911,” a blog on the Atlanta Journal-Constitution website said. “The sculpture features an angel standing above a Confederate soldier, guiding him to lay down his weapon.”

But the memorial attacked by protesters — some dressed in black and wearing masks — was erected to encourage healing and reconciliation:  MORE

11 Comments on Protesters in Atlanta Vandalize ‘Peace Monument’ After Mistaking It for Confederate Symbol

  1. There will be no “healing and reconciliation” until you believe, do as we say, and give us all your money in reparations for what our great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandparents suffered in slavery and stuff.

    Oh ands we wants to tear down your nice stuffs.

  2. The American Taliban. Mindless, worthless, rabble-rousers that don’t have a clue about what America really is or represents and what America’s enemies would do to them if they took over.
    A wise man once said “If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism” Now we’re watching it for real!

  3. Those kids that were taught by teachers that helped them cheat on state tests have finally grown up to be the retarded street creatures they are today. During the Rodney King riots they tore up the downtown shops so bad that most closed up and never came back.

  4. ignorant and stupid is no way to go through life.

    vandalized a peace monument mistaking it for a civil war monument ?

    it seems to me that sun zu would have used this stupidity to his advantage.

  5. Police no longer try to prevent crime or assist the helpless. They come after the fact and write reports. The courts told them to act this way from now on.
    Kinda like firefighters that don’t go in a building that’s fully engulfed, they wait until the flames are out to count the victims, lest they become a victim of the fire themselves.

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