Public Schools Promoting Islam Goes to SCOTUS – IOTW Report

Public Schools Promoting Islam Goes to SCOTUS

SCOTUS asked to determine how far public schools can go in promoting Islam while disparaging Christianity

Leo Hohmann – Since about 2009 when U.S. public-schools started introducing Islamic-related lesson plans into their curricula, there has been no corresponding instruction on Christianity, its major religious tenets or the positive impact it has had on Western civilization.

Historic figures such as Christopher Columbus and George Washington have taken on increasingly negative profiles in many schools, where “white privilege” is taught as the biggest sin handed down from our forefathers. [One Chicago-area middle school actually pressed criminal charges against Christopher Columbus in a 2017 mock trial].

Meanwhile, the instruction on Islam has in many cases crossed the line from a factual/historical analysis of the Muslim world to basically advocating for the superiority of Islam over other faiths. Muhammad is presented as some kind of seventh-century Robin Hood hero who fought for social justice and equal rights.

Finish reading here.

Additional information about the lawsuit filed by Thomas More Law Center.

11 Comments on Public Schools Promoting Islam Goes to SCOTUS

  1. How is this insanity even happening. Is everyone in this country so easily brainwashed into buying this garbage? And why is this even allowed in our schools? Who’s letting them get away with it?
    For decades now it’s been a constant drumbeat of anti americanism.
    If someone knows an organization that’s fighting this I want in on it.

  2. Yep, if Christianity and Judaism are banned from public schools because of atheist assholes, then Mohammedanism needs to be banned too. All or nothing.

  3. “One Chicago-area middle school actually pressed criminal charges against Christopher Columbus in a 2017 mock trial”

    I take it that the middle school in question has never taught about or studied Christopher Columbus.


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