Putin claims he makes $140,000 and has an 800-square foot apartment – Could he secretly be the richest man in the world? – IOTW Report

Putin claims he makes $140,000 and has an 800-square foot apartment – Could he secretly be the richest man in the world?


The Kremlin claims that Putin earns an annual salary of $140,000. His publicly disclosed assets include an 800-square foot apartment, a trailer, and three cars. 

But according to some experts, he may be the wealthiest man in the world with assets totaling up to $200 billion. 

While that is a ridiculous amount of money for anyone to have, this figure may not be so far-fetched for Putin. Here’s why:

Putin is rumored to be the owner of a beautiful 190,000 square-foot mansion sitting atop a cliff that overlooks the Black Sea. This coastal property is reputed as the largest private residence in the country and serves as his private palace endearingly called “Putin’s Country Cottage”.

The estate is Putin’s playland, boasting frescoed ceilings, a marble swimming pool lined with statues of Greek gods, a 27,000 square-foot guest house, spas with traditional hammams, a musical parlor, dressing rooms for all his staff, an amphitheater, a state-of-the-art ice hockey rink, a Vegas-style casino, a nightclub equipped with stripper poles, a barroom showcasing more than $100,000 of wine and spirits, an underground tasting room overlooking the water, and much more.

Most of the mansion is reportedly decorated by an exclusive luxury Italian brand called Citterio Atena including Louis XIV style sofas, $500,000 in dining room furniture, and a $54,000 bar table. It even has decked-out bathrooms with fancy $850 Italian toilet brushes and $1,250 toilet paper holders.

The Black Sea Mansion was designed by Italian architect Lanfranco Cirillo and cost $1.4 billion to construct. The money for this extravagant project was supposedly laundered through the country’s 13-billion-dollar national project called “Health” in which the state bought expensive medical equipment at a much higher rate than the market price, eventually transferring the difference to Cirillo’s bank account to pay for the mansion. 

As if this hefty sum wasn’t enough, an annual $2 million is spent just to maintain the property’s landscaping by a 40-person staff.   

The Kremlin denies Putin’s ownership of the palace saying it belongs to a wealthy businessman. But Russian analysts call it a blatant lie, saying that no businessman can have properties guarded by the FSB (Russia’s federal security service) with a no-fly zone over it. 


28 Comments on Putin claims he makes $140,000 and has an 800-square foot apartment – Could he secretly be the richest man in the world?

  1. About a year and a half ago:

    I climbed Off a roof after fixing an HVAC machine in an Industrial condo. There was an older guy (75?) just sitting there having a Cigar at a cheap picnic table basically in a parking lot. He was dressed very average, & no bling, nothing.
    As I’m loading my truck, How are you, nice day, nice cigar conversations etc. Have a nice Day.

    2 months latter, he gets picked up as one of the most powerful mobsters in the Toronto Area.

    I have said this for 20 years: Putin IS the world’s most powerful Mobster and he has his own nuclear arsenal.

  2. If so, who made him this wealthy? Perhaps the same people who now hate him with a white hot passion, call him a madman, and are throwing everything we have at him in a fit of rage? They’ll destroy their whole wretched system—and us—just to bring him down? Now tell me again who are the madmen.

  3. And y’know, Al Sharpton doesn’t even own the suits he wears.
    That’s why he can’t pay his taxes or the legal decisions against him – he don’t own nuthin!

    Great scam – just like Putin.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Putin hiding his wealth sounds like someone else we all know. He has one of the worlds largest yachts, it just came out of be serviced, right before he invaded the Ukraine. It will be found! This mobster is nothing more than any other low life criminal. The price on his will increase until he is taken out!

  5. More to the point… why does anyone care?
    More propaganda? He’s really rich so of course he’s the evil bond bad guy…
    Here’s an idea, focus on the real problems facing humanity. China buying our political and corporate leaders, all those mentally handicapped lbgtxyz evolutionary dead ends, and so on and so on.

    Finally, conservatives… what are you conserving? Seriously, what is the time stamp you wish to conserve? 1950’s were a good time, is that what you’re looking for?

    It’s time to move forward, to come up with a new path or vision. The US culture is universally fucked, not worth “conserving”.

  6. Obama’s Salary – $400 Thousand
    $400 Thousand * 8 = $3,200,000
    Current Net Worth $70 Million
    Barack Obama Foundation – $172M

    Seems like some funky math.
    I know “math” is racist.

  7. I agree with @Troll: who cares? He’s not our problem, and neither is the Ukraine. Be advised, as I have stated here previously, George SOROS, Kurt SCHWAB, Nancy PELOSI, Hillary CLINTON, the BIDEN family, and the “deep state” are supporting the phony Ukrainian “government” (that they installed with help from the CIA).

    Choose wisely …i.e. make an informed choice. United States, as currently realized, is a “bad guy” in this case, as is NATO and the EU. Too, Vlad is no fair-haired-child in all of this, but it may be that the ‘west’ has forced his hand.

    These creatures are angry because Russia has derailed their gravy train, for which the Ukraine serves as a nexus.

  8. @Burr, Rooshin nogoodski March 3, 2022 at 11:07 am

    > Putin 2024

    Only if “we” sacrifice flyover country. To Russia.

    (Big enough from “the rest of ‘us'”, Jen?)

  9. You might not care about Putin right now, but you will! The apple cart has been turned over & stomped on, no one else but him has done this. Blame game is been outted! Back him or back your country, your choice.

  10. Truth is, the Western world has been kicking Russia’s shins since the fall. NATO should have been defunded and disbanded but it wasn’t.
    What should have happened was a helping hand out to those people which could have formed into the greatest trade organization which would encircle the northern hemisphere.

    Instead, we got shitty movies with a defunct “bad guy” which has been our cultural punching bag. It appears the whole point of the exercise was to create the basis for the next World War.
    Beat someone into submission long enough and you get a guy who’s pissed enough about it to actually fight back. It happened with hitler after WWI in which he took his country out of the depressive whole and gave them purpose. It’s happening again with Putin. That man may be a thug but he’s taking Russia out of its hole. It’s all part of the “plan”.

  11. The motto of the very very rich is “own nothing, control everything”. Warren Buffet who EVERYONE knows is filthy rich has openly stated he pays less in income tax than his secretary. That’s because the Uber Wealthy have all manner of means to keep their wealth hidden, untaxable and unaccounted for. Putin is no different.

  12. I wonder if Germany if full of warhawks right now.


    :50 thousand German keyboard warriors fire up Call of Duty tanks:

    Does that sound likely? I mean….they’re right there. Why is this our problem? Why aren’t we goading Germany to fight a land war in Asia? Don’t they have experience? Plus, I bet the Germans could figure out who the actual Nazis are. :insert spiderman pointing at Hitler meme:

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