Rachel Dolezal Fired from Subbing Kindergarten for Having a FansOnly Page – IOTW Report

Rachel Dolezal Fired from Subbing Kindergarten for Having a FansOnly Page


Rachel Dolezal, the disgraced former NAACP chapter leader who misrepresented herself as black for years, has been fired by an Arizona school district after officials learned of her OnlyFans page on Tuesday.

Dolezal, who now goes by the name Nkechi Diallo, nearly became homeless after finding herself in financial ruin after she was forced to resign as chair of the Spokane, Washington, branch of the NAACP when she was exposed as a white woman pretending to be black. More

19 Comments on Rachel Dolezal Fired from Subbing Kindergarten for Having a FansOnly Page

  1. I don’t think, as a teacher, she should have a ‘Fans Only Page’ but realistically, there are so many bigger problems in this country where perpetrators should be fired, disqualified, removed, imprisoned or shot.

  2. So a fake name and continuing to try and pass for “black” isn’t grounds for dismissal? Seriously, how did her background check on that obviously fake black name, come up clean…or with anything? You children are NOT SAFE in the government monopoly day prison system that masquerades as schools. If its not your kid’s school today, it will be tomorrow, and if its not their teacher today, it will be tomorrow…and THEY will do everything to hide the true from YOU. Get your children OUT NOW!!

    THURSDAY, 15 FEBRUARY 2024, 19:44 AT 7:44 PM

    Brings to mind an old sci-fi short story where the bottom line was the SQ (sanity quotient) of the populace and the legislature tipped below 50%.

  4. Gee. I wonder if her firing had anything at all to do with conservative sites exposing her and showing in redacted form just how disgusting she is and how she shouldn’t be around children.

  5. A case of celebrity worship no matter how infamous…until the celebrity is outed as a perv.

    Dolezal went too far by being her true self, a porn slut. No school system in the country will tolerate her “teaching” their children.

    Now the perv can spend all her time inspiring her only true fans, other perverts.

  6. She should be at the top of the list to be forced into getting mental health. Women should stop showing their teats and hinney’s after the age of 30. Ms Wannabee Kneegrow is 47 yo! Well, you all saw what can’t be unseen. It got a laugh from me…..except now she’s back on welfare.


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